
What's the last thing you've done for the first time?

8 years ago by 90boss with 4 comments

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  • hingeattack

    I guess the last major first I had was driving (terrifying), but that was a couple months ago - I need to sign up for a license test soon actually. But, the last thing I did for the first time at all was drink the first glass of milk from the new carton.

  • IridescentOak

    Take apart my PC tower. As a bit of a backstory, my hard drive is in the process of failing right now. I already have all my files backed up just in case, but my goal is to clone my current hard drive onto a new one before the original dies fully. It's not, from the looks of it, going to be a really difficult task, but I'm crossing my fingers that this first time is the only time I have to do this!

  • picklefingers

    My most recent first timer was going up for a stand-up set at an open mic. It went alright.

  • Gozzin

    I tried out a new video chat program with a friend. It was nice,except the screen sharing was nothing to write home about.