
25 89.9% 552 0 2,390 25
24 84.8% 127 524 1,730 33
23 84.4% 149 177 1,041 32
21 88.1% 206 16 5,152 30
21 76.7% 53 75 2,173 33
20 81.0% 50 197 789 33
17 83.0% 117 12 532 25
17 79.8% 40 222 861 21
jayrunham 17 - Husband, Film Geek, Edmonton YouTube host, Web Designer/Developer, Ellipsis lover, Graffiti Fauxtographer, a major Raptors fan, and gifter of GIFs.

17 79.2% 119 54 1,147 27
16 77.3% 126 18 670 20
16 76.0% 80 54 680 29
13 73.4% 12 85 289 16
12 72.9% 29 65 301 17
10 75.4% 54 21 286 16
5 66.4% 9 0 44 6