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All Three Terminator Movie Reboots Explained: What Happens Next
The Terminator series has a frustratingly confusing chronology. Here's how the timeline breaks down and where the franchise is headed next.
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Linda Hamilton Set to Return to 'Terminator' Franchise
With James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger involved, it's a reunion more than 25 years in the making.
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No fate but what we make: looking back at ‘Terminator 2’ on its 25th anniversary
Hasta la vista, baby.
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Terminator: Genisys (2015) Cinema Movie Review
"I'm not a man, not a machine... I'm more."
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“It’s A Reboot, Not A Sequel”: A Look Back at Terminator Salvation
Following a delay of what was to be a direct continuation of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation was released in the summer of 2009. In it, we follow three main characters: John Connor, prophesied leader of the resistance, and his struggles under resistance command, Kyle Reese, a survivor of Judgment Day in the ruins of LA, and Marcus Wright, a death row inmate executed in 2003, who wakes up after the bombs have fallen and discovers he is a cyborg hybrid.
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Terminator: Genisys (2015) - Daily Box Office Results - Box Office Mojo
Terminator: Genisys daily box office results.
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The Terminator Movies: A Mirror to the Times
[Editor’s Note: This column contains spoilers for all of the Terminator films. Read at your own risk.] The Terminator movies began as a dream in James...
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The Terminator timeline
Timeline in The Terminator. The story in The Terminator contains several causality loops, some of which are self-consistent non-paradoxes, and some of which are not self-consistent, and could be considered predestination paradox or bootstrap paradox. A few issues are presented in short here:
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Terminator Genisys: The Spoilyr FAQ
There’s no need to beat around the bush; if you saw the newest installment in the Terminator franchise in the past week, you have questions. Big questions. Some of them no one can help you with. But come with me if you want to make some semblance of coherency out of this movie with our patented spoiler FAQ.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger 'old but not obsolete' in 'Terminator Genisys'
“Terminator Genisys” is the latest movie in a year that has been full of remakes/reboots/sequels.
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Terminator 2 - 8 Bit Cinema
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Terminator Genisys Director Doesn't Really Expect You To Understand His Movie
Terminator: Genisys left a lot of viewers scratching their heads over the intricately layered timeline, but director Alan Taylor says that he never expected people to get it.
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A Visualization of the "Terminator" Timelines
Sadly missing: "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles."
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Terminator Genisys - celebrating Arnie - Film Features - TimeOutDubai.com
We celebrate one of the great action heroes as the latest installment hits our screens.
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Top 6 Reasons Terminator Genisys failed at the box office.
Those parentheses are very important. It is entirely possible that Terminator Genisys will end up freefalling in America only to more-than-make up the slack overseas. After all, Pacific Rim barely crossed $100 million domestic but ended up with a $411m cume on a $191m budget and ended up with a sequel and an animated [...]
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Weekend Box Office Winners & Losers: Killer Robots, Abs Disappoint
'Jurassic World' and 'Inside Out' could not be slowed by this weekend's onslaught of robot executioners and male strippers.
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Terminator Genisys 44 million over the Holiday Weekend
Terminator: Genisys Par. $44,156,000 3,758 $28,700,000 3,758
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Here’s the story behind Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous flip shotgun from ‘Terminator 2’
The customized shotgun took months to make movie-ready.
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Terminator Genisys isn't good, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is great in it | EW.com
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‘Terminator: Genisys’ Alternate Timelines Explained
With the massive twists and changes made by 'Terminator: Genisys,' we explain how it fits into the rest of the 'Terminator' series, and what comes next.
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