  • bluemtfreerider

    im hoping that the site will take off, i really like it. the layout isnt the most intuitive though, im always looking around for what i want.

    • idlethreat

      Yeah, same here. The layout is lovely, but it's rather irritating to have to click on my tribes I'm a member of and go down each one of them one by one to look for new content. Looking forward to the day they manage to pull off a individualized homepage.

      • teamsnapzu (edited 10 years ago)

        Hi! Were actually currently working on improving the feed (where you are when you log in). We will be expanding it to not only include your following users activity, but to also provide you new content (snaps and self posts) from your subscribed tribes and your own tribes, along with updates (comments and contributions) from your Snapzine (your pinned snaps). Thanks for your input!

        • idlethreat (edited 10 years ago)

          Thanks for the feedback, guys. Not wanting to sound too "judgy" about the place. You've done a superb job, I think.

          While Reddit is the "super-smart-ugly-girl-neighbor", you're definitely the "awesomely-hot-with-a-little-lisp" neighbor across the street. I can overlook the limitations for all of the other awesomeness the site provides.

          • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

            Haha, great analogy. I would only add that the "neighbor across the street" is quite new to the neighborhood, and is still getting settled in...

        • bluemtfreerider (edited 10 years ago)

          hopefully ill have some real constructive criticism eventually. so cool that the site is still small enough to talk to the admins.

          edit: on the homepage consider moving the "show all tribes" button up near the "followers" & "folowing" buttons.

        • geoleo

          Very cool! When can we expect this update?

        • [Deleted Profile]

          [This comment was removed]

        • Slyken

          Great, can't wait to check the new feed.