bluemtfreerider's feed
10 years agoLevel Up bluemtfreerider
Level 7
bluemtfreerider is now level 7 with 25,465 XP.
View Unlocks- List Submission The maximum amount of items you can submit to a unique social list has been raised by 1 to a total of 4.
- Tribe Claiming You can claim tribes with max level 2.
10 years agoAchievement bluemtfreerider
Rock Star
Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations bluemtfreerider on this achievement!
+3480 XP -
11 years ago
that one is like $25, not to bad. i have some aluminum yoyo's that retail for $130 though haha
11 years agoVideo/Audio bluemtfreerider
Yoyo Factory Hubstack Afterglow first impressions
i just got my YYF Hubstack afterglow and after a bit of playing around with it here is my honest opinion
4 Comments in -
11 years ago
i would like for them to bring it back. im just starting to figure out the modules thing and being able to have a poll and possibly have the data from that poll pop up after you vote would be awesome.
Posted in: Polls?
11 years agoText Post bluemtfreerider
we need content to put as our background and flag post your pictures!
11 years agoVideo/Audio bluemtfreerider
first yoyo circle post. post up what you have been working on!
a better tutorial of the 1&1/2 mount to kwijibo variations
11 years agoAchievement bluemtfreerider
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations bluemtfreerider on this achievement!
+1720 XP -
11 years ago
is that a real tribe? i cant find it
Posted in: Hello? *echo*
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
ya i think the lounge needs like a weekly discussion thread or something. there is no subject to talk about so its hard to come up with something worth posting.
Posted in: Hello? *echo*
11 years ago
i think i broke a few hears when i told my friends that electromagnets dont float.
Posted in: The HUVr board is finally here
11 years ago
all i know is it's less than 4.5
Posted in: That is one KILLER custom tribe flag!
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
thanks man i felt inspired
Posted in: That is one KILLER custom tribe flag!
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
its surprising how many people fell for this one.
Posted in: The HUVr board is finally here
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
high five for being on your game snapzu, you guys are killing it with this site.
Posted in: 14.03.06 - Issues with Feed Pagination
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
It would be awesome if I could find the information about the asteroids velocity mass and location. I just did orbital mechanics in class.
11 years agoLevel Up bluemtfreerider
Level 6
bluemtfreerider is now level 6 with 15,050 XP.
View Unlocks- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 25 to a total of 125.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom banner for any of your tribes.
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
BBQ chicken with honey drizzled on it. we make pizza from scratch at my house so we get to try whatever the hell we want but i keep going back to this.
11 years ago
Kansas is never the most interesting part of my cross country road trips but seeing all of the dust devils is awesome. but then i get to go climb at Rock City!
Posted in: Ughh, whats up? Where is everyone from?
11 years ago
haha i see the same sticker for colorado. actually i need to pick one of those up...
Posted in: Ughh, whats up? Where is everyone from?
11 years agoComment bluemtfreerider
yes! i looked for a mobile app but i guess they are still developing the main site. most of my posts are pictures and videos that i take with my phone so it would be awesome if i could upload them without having to go through my computer.
Posted in: New guy here - where's the mobile apps?
11 years agoAchievement bluemtfreerider
Worth a thousand words
Published 2/2 image snaps! Congratulations bluemtfreerider on this achievement!
+1400 XP -
11 years agoImage bluemtfreerider
some panorama shots I've taken over the years
I like to use panoramas to document my adventures, these are some that are worth sharing.
11 years agoAchievement bluemtfreerider
Eagle Eye
Following 20/20 members! Congratulations bluemtfreerider on this achievement!
+1400 XP -
11 years agoLevel Up bluemtfreerider
Level 5
bluemtfreerider is now level 5 with 11,330 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 4.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom profile banner.