
What did you want to become when you were growing up?

I remember when I was 4 or 5 I wanted to become a bus driver... how about that for aspirations.

Then after 7 I wanted to become an astronaut.

9 years ago by bogdan with 34 comments

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  • picklefingers

    Until the age of 8 or 9 I wanted to be an engineer to create rides at disneyland. After that, I wanted to be an air force pilot. Also wanted to be a priest until I became an atheist. Then it switched off between musician and programmer. Now I'm doing my undergraduate in computer science.

  • spaceghoti

    I wanted to be an astronomer, a cop and then President.

    Today I wrangle computers for a living.

    • 8mm

      Livin' the life.

    • gtwy

      When I read that, I had a visual representation of a cow boy lassoing a 1990s computer tower with CRT monitor and all.

  • Chubros

    A cop. Glad I didn't go through with it.

    • 90boss

      Not in the states at least. In other countries I'm sure their more respected.

  • baron778

    A scientist... I didn't even know there was literally 100's of professions. I dressed up as David Suzuki once in elementary school.

  • TNY

    A pilot. And then I realized I was afraid of heights.

  • Cheesemangeur

    I wanted to be a vet, later on as a teenager I wanted to create perfumes, then I wanted to be a translator or interpret.

    I still think I'd have loved to create perfumes, but my chemistry skills were not good for that.

    • drunkenninja

      Ever watch that movie perfume? He had a killer nose for good smells!

      • Cheesemangeur

        I did, it's a terrific movie! The book is even better.

    • bogdan

      This is amazing, I've heard anyone say anything like this. I actually realized I don't know all that much about how perfumes are made, maybe I should look into that as a curiosity.

      • Cheesemangeur (edited 9 years ago)

        It seemed so interesting! Sadly my high school was not offering this particular brand of science, and the only one near me who did was 2 hours away, so I just went for generic science in my high school, and then realised I was not very good anyway haha.

        Still, I could see myself in a lab coat playing with tubes and creating cool perfumes.

        • bogdan

          Well, that's disappointing. I was actually pretty good at chemistry in high school but it never crossed my mind that I could study making perfumes. Now I really need to satisfy my curiosity about the topic. Next thing you know, you'll be seeing me spam /t/chemistry with related posts.

          • pixelboot

            I went to college for pharmaceutical and food science, and had a semester focusing on analytical organic chemistry. Aromatics are sketchy and difficult. I have a lot of respect for anyone who could manage to do that as a career.

  • drunkenninja

    Crazy, I also wanted to drive a bus when I was 5 or so. I got this large bus toy and would drive on the patterns of our area rug and would pretend I was picking people up and dropping them off. That lasted a few months and then I wanted to be a pilot for a while, and then an astronaut.

    • bogdan

      Wow. That's exactly what I did. And I'd establish routes and have the bus I made follow them to pick the people up.

      • drunkenninja

        I really enjoyed it, i would make door opening sounds and the sounds of the airbrakes, etc. I remember it vividly, I must have had a ton of fun because that memory is there like it were yesterday!

      • Cheesemangeur

        That's actually adorable. I've never seen myself as a pilot.

        • drunkenninja

          I still want my pilots licence, one day...

        • bogdan

          Well I've never seen myself as a perfume enthusiast either, so I say we're even!

  • aj0690

    A lifeguard. I watched too much Baywatch I think.

    • manix

      Hah I watched that show during lunch when I was in high school. Hasselhoff (sp?) was just a dork.

    • bogdan

      Ahahaha. I did too. My country was just coming off the burden of communism, it was one of the few shows that were on TV at that time.

  • jamespy

    I really wanted to become a teacher from when I was about 7 years old and just recently, I went back into my old secondary school and the kids are nightmares. I've long since gone off the idea of teaching and moved to jobs in the media but going back to school killed any chances of me ever wanting to become a teacher.

  • Tawsix

    I wanted to be an astronaut up until about age 17. I decided being a doctor was probably a bit more realistic.

  • OrionBlastar

    First I wanted to be a firefighter/magician. Then I learned magic wasn't real and Firefighters get hurt really badly. Then I wanted to be an astronaut but had health problems that prevented me from becoming one. I then wanted to become a computer programmer as the microcomputer revolution was going on. In the 1980s when two space shuttles blew up I wanted to make a multi-billion dollar software company and then use it to make a new company that makes space ships to help NASA out.

    I developed a mental illness in 2001 right before 9/11 happened. My career was then over and I ended up on disability.

    I'm glad that Elon Musk was able to do what I couldn't with Paypal and then SpaceX.

  • sugartoad

    I wanted to be a professional gamer, but I sucked.

    • messi

      you any good now?

      • sugartoad

        Decent, but not professional good.

  • spacepopper

    Like you, a bus driver. I had a toy bus and one of those road mats an I would follow a timed shedule like a real bus.

  • SirMittens (edited 9 years ago)

    Paleontologist but my parents, who are immigrants, had no idea what the hell I was talking about. Must have thought I had a fetish for giant old bones or something

  • jackthetripper

    An executioner. JK but honestly a hockey player and winning the stanley cup. Never had a chance.