  • drunkenninja

    Crazy, I also wanted to drive a bus when I was 5 or so. I got this large bus toy and would drive on the patterns of our area rug and would pretend I was picking people up and dropping them off. That lasted a few months and then I wanted to be a pilot for a while, and then an astronaut.

    • bogdan

      Wow. That's exactly what I did. And I'd establish routes and have the bus I made follow them to pick the people up.

      • drunkenninja

        I really enjoyed it, i would make door opening sounds and the sounds of the airbrakes, etc. I remember it vividly, I must have had a ton of fun because that memory is there like it were yesterday!

      • Cheesemangeur

        That's actually adorable. I've never seen myself as a pilot.

        • drunkenninja

          I still want my pilots licence, one day...

        • bogdan

          Well I've never seen myself as a perfume enthusiast either, so I say we're even!