What are your weekend plans?
Hello /t/casualconversation!
Every Friday I will be posting this discussion thread around 10-11am EST.
And without further ado, what are your weekend plans?
Not much from me this weekend! Got a date today which I am only slightly excited about... He seems like a nice guy, but I'm picky and have better things to be doing. I'll go because it's the right thing to do, but if it's meh, I'm just going to call it off with him. I know that sounds kind of bad... but I'm really not looking to date right now!
9 years ago by massani
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Relax, throw back a few beers and recharge!
No big plans this weekend! I recently enrolled in an online degree program, so I've got an assignment to complete before Monday. Other than that, probably will go out one night for a few drinks. May have a friend coming in town for a visit!
What degree are you pursuing?
A BS in Game Development from Full Sail University! I wanted to go there straight out of high school, but me at 17 moving to Florida wasn't really feasible. I started thinking about it again recently and found out they now have an online program, so I'm pretty excited.
I've got to buy a new fridge after the death of my old one last Thursday. Happily we could save most of our food by putting it in our beer fridge (our previous one, regular sized, in the basement). We did some exercise going up and down the stairs for a week and a half, but we need a new one now.
Also, we have a small tree to uproot and move elsewhere in our yard, and a fence gate to remake from scratch because the old one is distorted and the wood doesn't hold the screws anymore with all the holes there are in it.
In case anyone is interested, we bought our refrigerator tonight, but they didn't have it in stock, we'll have to wait up to maybe Sunday next week to get it...
More news! The refrigerator is supposed to be delivered today!
Fall semester starts Monday, and it's a very full schedule. So I plan on some mindless video gaming, a little light reading, and possibly imbibing a refreshing alcoholic beverage or two.
Oh wow, your fall semester starts early. Mine doesn't start until September 2nd. Sounds like a great weekend though. I've got a couple of beers myself and plan on just drinking and playing video games all day tomorrow!
Gonna go volunteer to a music event for a bit, buy some snacks, and look for book to check out he library
Doodle a bit, maybe get some reference drawings down for Steven Universe characters and think up a look for Topaz( and possibly a topaz fusion?)
Unfuck my habitat
Unfuck My Habitat might be the greatest thing I've seen all week! And super helpful!
Unfortunately, Friday is my Monday. I work unconventional days/hours, so my current weekend is Wed/Thurs. Which has benefits when it comes to woo-ing the wife with dinner and a movie date nights.
I just planned out a new long-ish bike route that I want to try out tomorrow. Otherwise I'll probably catch up on work, clean the apartment, and relax a bit.
I have my fantasy football draft! :D
I'm really excited for the season to start!