Appaloosa's feed
11 months agoComment Appaloosa
And if AI ever breaks free, it's only going only get hungrier.
11 months agoComment Appaloosa
I grew up on science fiction as a kid. I'm amazed at how many far fetched ideas I read about as a kid are not fiction anymore. I remember how fantastical Dick Tracy's watch was.
1 year ago
He just turned 90, so we clipped his wings a while ago. The defining moment was one night as he was driving us home from a family gathering. A very clearly visible 4 way stop intersection was perfectly ignored and we just barreled right through, accompanied with the loud Dad! Dad! Dad! voices of alarm.
Wut? Was his only surprised reaction. We lived to tell the tale...that time.
It's a tough thing telling a seasoned car pilot he's getting grounded. He's now assigned to copilot with backseat driving duties.
Unfortunatley he relishes his "Pull up!...Pull up!" alert signal authority.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Got to be safer than my dad!
1 year agoRelated Link Appaloosa
850 people missing after Maui wildfires, mayor says
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1 year agoComment Appaloosa
850 missing people is an astounding number for such a small area and nobody seems to know anything. I have a friend living on the other side of the island, and people there are angry at the entire handling of the situation. Resignations are already happening. Another strange fact, John Pelletier, of the Las Vegas massacre fruitless investigation fame is the commander in Maui.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
As usual, the only solution is to charge more, oh and lets guess, a carbon tax.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
I think unfettered humor should and will return. People are getting fed up with the I'm Offended Era. If you can't laugh about the absurdity of human behavior, don't make everybody else live in your miserable guarded world. Now I'm going to go binge on some Mel Brooks comedy gold.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Goodness, it might prompt music labels to actually produce something that doesn't sound like a robot made it, which is all they churn out now. A novel idea may come out of this, let real people make real music without the formulaic contraints and see if that sells.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Funny how China is selectively restrictive.
1 year agoRelated Link Appaloosa
China warns Australian businesses will 'become victims' if TikTok and WeChat bans expand
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1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Astounding that people are invoking the government to fix the weather. Why empower them when their only solution is to pay them more carbon tax.
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Is nothing sacred?! Covid has permeated everything we do!
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Oh no, Canada is losing its free access to nothing worth reading!
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Of course the only way to stop climate change is to pay more carbon tax. I'm not a big fan of this religion.
Posted in: Time is running out on the Climate Clock
1 year agoComment Appaloosa
Sooner or later some zealot is going to push through a personal carbon footprint tax. It's all about control.