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Published 10 years ago by teamsnapzu with 12 Comments


  • You awaken disoriented and alone. As you stumble around you notice a faint glow, a barely visible twinkle like that of a distant star. Running your hand over a cold and wet wall, you make your way toward the light across what now appears to be the inside of a damp cave. As your eyes adjust, you realize you're wearing nothing but a piece of scrap leather wrapped around your torso. But wait, what's this? You're holding a club, a sturdy wooden club.

    You finally reach a small opening in the wall, and as you peek through the hole what you see is unlike anything you've ever seen before. You knock away several loose rocks to enlarge the opening, and as you wiggle yourself out you feel a fresh breeze hit your face. As you take a few steps forward, the sun feels warm on your skin, and you can slowly make out others in the distance. Without looking back, you walk towards them. An old man approaches and takes note of the name carved into the handle of your club...

  • “Stay a while and listen.” the old man says to you.

    "Snapzu is about establishing a profile based on your creative aspirations." he continues. "You can do this by sharing content and engaging in discussions with the people you meet on your awesome journey ahead. As you explore Snapzu, there will be many opportunities to get acquainted with a plethora of really great features, but for now let's focus on getting you started with the basics."

  • Getting started:

    Snapzu, as a social community platform, has some really great game elements. You embark on your journey at level 1 (newbie) and can progress all the way up to level 50 (a seasoned “Snapzite”), unlocking cool new features, perks, and upgrades along the way. Below are some things you can do right away to get yourself better accustomed to the site:

    1. First and foremost, say hello!

      The very first thing you can do is check out the Snapzu Lounge and say hello. It's a great way to introduce your cave-dwelling, club-swinging self to the rest of the community, which can help you gain those initial followers and your first XP level-up. Simply jump in and compose a text-post introducing yourself, or leave a comment in an existing post! We also welcome any questions, ideas, or suggestions for the community to discuss.

    2. Join some communities.

      Tribes are user-run communities about a specific topic or idea where people post all sorts of links, images and videos. Be sure to check out the Tribe Index to discover Snapzu's most popular tribes and join the ones that interest you so that their content can show up in your Home Feed in real-time. You can manage your tribe subscriptions in the Tribe Memberships area, and you can even start your own tribe on any topic for others to join!

    3. Establish your identity by making a few posts.

      Post your first link, image or video for the community to see by clicking on the green "Submit +" button located on the top right corner. Other Snapzu members will then be able to up or down vote your post which will determine it's position in certain tribes and the Front Page. Sharing cool and interesting stuff is an excellent way to establish your identity and to build a following of other like-minded people.

  • Etiquette on posting & commenting:

    Snapzu, like any other socially driven environment, has a number of important rules and points of user etiquette that need to be respected at all times. We recommend that you read and follow these rules so that everyone may enjoy the best possible experience:

    1. Don't spam. Please keep in mind that we are a close-knit community and spam is unwelcome here. Posts that look like obvious spam are typically down-voted by the community and may trigger a domain ban or account deletion.

    2. Self-promotion is allowed, but we ask that you follow the 10% sharing rule. If over 10% of your contributions to Snapzu consist of submitting links to a site(s) that you own or otherwise benefit from in some way, and additionally if you do not participate in discussions, or reply to people’s comments, you may be viewed as a spammer.

    3. URL shorteners are not allowed when sharing links as they can bypass the securities we have in place. Post only direct links.

    4. Use clean titles. When posting content, please double check your title to make sure it's complete, spelled correctly, and does not contain domain name injections (i.e. | ZDNET or | MSNBC) or hashtags (i.e #RIVERWILD). If you see these please take a moment to remove them.

    5. Good intro or no intro. Please double check for clean, and relevant, introductions. If you feel your snap does not need an introduction, leave it blank.

    6. Provide high quality and relevant cover images, when possible.

    7. Don't troll. If you troll, you will have a bad time.

    8. Don't post racism or hate speech.

    9. Adult/mature content is allowed, just be sure to use the NSFW tag.

    10. Do not use scripts/bots to automate posting or commenting.

    11. Do not XP farm any sort of rapid succession posting of useless comments, snaps, text posts or anything else that earns XP is strictly prohibited.

    12. Do not use multiple accounts.

    13. Be mindful of not re-posting links that others have already snapped. Instead, contribute to the conversation on the existing snap.

  • More Helpful Info:

    Not everyone likes to immediately consume a stack of pages worth of information about a social platform they have just joined, but for those of you who are relentless in knowing everything there is know about Snapzu, this is a good place to start!

  • This message originally appears upon account creation and it is sent via our private message system. It is the first message all new users receive.


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  • baron778

    Cool and interesting little back story. It feels like I'm the old man now hah.

  • AriZona

    Finally a nice clean list of rules. I looked before and couldn't find it.

  • tyronne

    THX.. interesting and creative

  • Gozzin (edited 10 years ago)

    Ah now,this just makes it all the better I really like this site and I like the people here as well.

  • cy78

    This was a long time needed update. Nice work!

  • imokruok

    I think snapzu needs to expand the gender selection in the profile section to include something other than gender binarism .

    • AdelleChattre (edited 9 years ago)

      Seems like the only thing this affects is which stylized Snapzu avatar you are shown at whatever level you're at. Of course there should be more options there. The implementation detail that needs working out is how to make a gender binary set of illustrations, which were painstakingly developed when there was more time and energy for that than there presumably is now, work with however many additional choices. A fluid gender might be easy enough, maybe picking the avatar illo at random for each level. Other distinctions would require more clever hacks. Someone oughta work this out so Team Snapzu is given a complete and workable suggestion that can fix this current shortcoming.

  • treemayne

    nice concise rules it should be maybe auto mailed to every new person?

  • sipcyp

    Looking forward to keeping the rules. Thanks.

  • xef6

    Now that I read this, I only need to find some free time and actually interesting stuff in order to make this place home.

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