
What is the last software you paid for?

Mobile, tablet, PC, Mac, doesn't matter.

9 years ago by canuck with 29 comments

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  • Fuyu

    The last software I bought was a bundle from Humble Bundle. It was a game development themed bundle, so I got a bunch of basic tools like RPG Maker Ace, I think a couple other engines, and some spriting software (which is what I was actually after since I didn't have a solid way to make 2D animated sprites). Also had some games! Goats on a Bridge is deceptively difficult.

  • MePLUR

    All software: Humble Bundle a couple of weeks ago. Non-game: Windows 8.1 upgrade.

  • idlethreat

    I think my last large software purchase was probably NI's The Giant. That's a really nice sounding piano I use for some of my tracks.

    • SevenTales

      Holy....I am buying that thing next pay. o.O

      • idlethreat

        It's a superb piano, but I'm still terribly in love with the "PN Arena Ambiance" preset on Nexus 2. I find myself reaching for Nexus 2 over The Giant. But, don't let that dissuade you. The Giant is still a really great plugin.

        • SevenTales

          I'm just starting playing with something other than my trusty launchpad, thanks for thel ink! I'll take a good look at the Nexus 2 :D

  • SevenTales

    My Adobe Pro subscription. I hate and love it at the same time.

  • RandomHuman

    The Witcher 3, I'm about 70 hours in and still haven't completed the game, although I think I'm getting close.

  • NotWearingPants

    Bought a couple titles during the last Steam sale. Haven't even installed them yet.

  • Nerdeiro

    Seems like most people here bought games. My last software purchase were games too, so I won't mention them.

    The last non-game purchases I made were VoiceAttack (it's gaming related but can be used for other stuff too), A donation to LibreOffice and and 3DMark on the last Steam sale.

  • canuck (edited 9 years ago)

    I just pre-ordered NHL 16 so it definitely counts.

  • Autumnal

    I just tried grabbing the Monday bundle from indiegala for Shadowgate, but something happened.

  • Teakay

    Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It went on sale for $25 and I pulled the plug, though I usually don't buy any game over ~$12-15, and even then very rarely because my backlog is ridiculous.

    It was an excellent decision. That game is amazingly fun, and I have a feeling it and Civ 5 will keep me busy for a loooong time.

  • trails

    The most recent was that I actually got sucked into paying for Office 365. Being able to slap the full Office suite on three home computers and get 5TB of storage for $10 a month was legitimately worth it in my household of Excel addicts. Before that, Pillars of Eternity.

  • Xeno

    I thiiiink it was Notability.

  • ttubravesrock

    I'm considering paying for ElementaryOS, but Ubuntu is free.

    The last non-gaming software I purchased was probably Office 2013 through my .gov account for $10/$15.

  • Boudicca

    Affinity Photo- similar to photoshop but without the bloat and subscription fees. Love it.

  • oystein

    Adobe CC. It feels weird to be legal.

  • click

    I think I donated to GNOME? I'm not even sure anymore. I've been using FOSS as much as possible, and it's kind of just become a habit now. I don't play games much either, so there's very little left to pay for. (I do remember having to pay for some stats programme a couple of years ago for a uni course, but that was exceptional).

  • Wenjarich

    I paid for a phone app called Noom Coach. It has a really weird name but it has helped me loose 18.1 kg so far since I started using it about 5 months ago. Its primarily makes counting your calories a lot easier but has many little functions that all add up to what helped me loose my weight. :)

  • Croissant

    I have never paid for any software because I sail the seven seas of the internet. Yarr harr.

  • spectregris

    I just today scored office 2008 for Mac from my uni bookstore for five whole dollars, it's been a while since I had physical disks.