
What is the worst thing you have ever tasted?

I bit into an Advil the other day and it was damn awful. I couldn't even rinse it out of my mouth. For anyone curious, I'm talking about the liquigel type.

8 years ago by canuck with 69 comments

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Conversation 11 comments by 6 users
  • oystein

    Durian - a carcass flavoured fruit.

    • Qukatt

      carcass smelling too, blurgh.

      The resort i stayed at in Phuket had "no durian" signs on the lifts alongside the no smoking ones.

      • oystein

        That's a bit like a "No dead animals" sign, ie. smart.

        • Qukatt

          Its like (contains nuts" on packs of nuts though ; you'd think it would go without saying.

          But nnoooooooooooo, someone always has to ruin it and needs explicitly told.

    • MePLUR

      My favourite fruit :)

      • oystein

        You have my deepest sympathies. :-D

    • NerfYoda

      I was at a party a few years back where after I ran out of the booze I brought I could either pick a piece out of a goat's head or have a spoonful of durian to get a drink from the house. I should have gone with random piece of dead goat head. I couldn't get the taste of durian out for days.

      • oystein

        I was thinking the same as I read this. Goat's head every time!

    • Aaron215

      Oh man, in college a friend of mine picked one up from a market for the sole purpose of leaving a piece of it hidden in our Resident Assistant's room (basically they are a senior student helper to enforce rules etc).

      My friend was telling him how great it tasted and how it was the sweetest thing he'd ever smell, then he cut into it and everyone gagged and ran away. It was pretty gross smelling, but I think the setup made it smell worse, since everyone was prepared to smell something good. Our RA set up box fans to try and blow the smell away.

      Anyway, we all tried a piece, just to say we did, and then when the RA wasn't looking, we slipped a small piece of it behind some books on his top shelf. It stayed there until he moved out, didn't even find it then. Years later we told him about it (we still are all good friends) and he said he caught whiffs of it from time to time and just thought it had smelled so bad that it seeped into the walls or something.

      • oystein

        Apparently it tastes ok but it is quite fatty. The texture is not that nice.

      • johnfear

        Oh, wow. We did something similar with seafood once. I'll spare everyone the details. It was in there for about three weeks before it was found though.

  • stoa

    Aluminum foil.

    • hedman

      Bonus points if you have those old school metal fillings in your teeth.

    • johnfear

      I read this and instantly felt a jolt. Wow.

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  • jenjen1352

    Parsnips. Soap tastes better - had to use it to kill the taste of the parsnip.

    • staxofmax

      Going to have to politely disagree with you there.

      Parsnips > Carrots any day of the week.

      • jenjen1352

        Raw carrots are tasty, cooked carrots hover below the dreaded snarpip. :)

  • TwoADay

    Absinthe. It tastes like a mix of black licorice and dirt.

    I've heard that Stroh 80 is worse, but I've never tried it myself.

    • Cali

      Proper Absinthe is amazing, if you like licorice that is. try to add a cube of sugar next time! :)

    • johnfear

      I actually love the taste of absinthe. But, I feel strange admitting that now that I have read the and dirt description which is definitely not wrong.

    • MePLUR

      I'm starting to think I have weird taste buds or something. First it's Durians below, now absinthe ... I actually don't mind it. Much better than Bicardi 151 IMO :)

      • DrunkOldMan

        151.....Pretty mind altering, use to drink it all the time!

    • Xeno

      Mmm... absinthe.

  • RandomHuman (edited 8 years ago)

    One of my earliest memories was mixing milk and orange juice together and drinking it. It tasted horrid. My line of thought was milk tastes good and orange juice tastes good so together they must taste amazing! I dare you to try it.

    • Aaron215

      I bet it tastes better than orange juice and toothpaste.

      • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

        I wouldn't be so sure, but it deserves proper testing. I'll try it, maybe, someday before I die...

    • hallucigenia

      Heh. There's actually a chain that sells this drink (albeit with egg, vanilla, and sweetening). My parents would make it for me with simply straight OJ & milk, though, and I loved it.

  • Bastou

    In a French restaurant, in Paris, I inquired what andouillette à la dijonnaise was, instead of explaining, the waiter brought me the meal. I felt obliged to at least try to eat it. I felt like vomiting after each bite.

    Basically, it's sausage made from some animal's intestines with a dijon mustard sauce. It tastes literally like shit, but with filaments that you couldn't swallow in small amounts because a bigger chunk would try to get down with it, and the dijon sauce added an extra spicy, wet fart flavor... So yeah, that shit.

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  • NipplePuree

    "Stinky tofu" in Taiwan. It tasted like I imagine raw sewage would taste.

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  • NstealthL

    Once had a spray from those compressed air canisters (the ones you use for your keyboard) go into my mouth. I think I was by the sink for a solid 10 minutes trying to get that disgusting flavor out of my mouth...

    As for food and drinks, I'm gonna go with all liquor that even has a hint of black licorice flavor to me: absinthe, sambuca, stroh, dropshot, etc. I have horrid memories of sambuca. Even if there is a mixed shot that contains it, all I'll taste is that flavor.

  • Aaron215

    In high school a friend gave me an orange slice that was in one of those little plastic snack cups. She said "Here! This is the best things I've ever tasted!" Being naive I thought she was being serious and so I just popped the whole thing in my mouth. I have no idea what was wrong with it, but wow was it terrible.

  • PickledRhino (edited 8 years ago)

    I think the texture of okra has given me PTSD. Though as far as taste goes, probably very close to spoiled or just plain spoiled fish. My wife thought all fish smelt 'fishy' cooked it and served it. I took one bite and almost puked. Luckily I didn't swallow it or I may have ended up quite sick.

  • BucksinSixxx (edited 8 years ago)

    Banana. They're fucking disgusting.

  • Fooferhill

    When I was a kid it was olives for sure. As an adult I love them but as a kid they were poison-weird!

    • BucksinSixxx

      Direct opposite. My mom refused to buy olives because I would eat them like candy, now I can't stand them.

      • Fooferhill

        You can have too much of a good thing.

  • zendpy

    Almond Milk, so much regrets even thinking about tasting it.

    • pixelboot

      really?! I love almond milk! I don't even drink cow milk anymore because I love it so much.

      • staxofmax

        I think people drink almond milk expecting it to taste like milk, and if you approach like that of course it's going to taste weird. Almond milk should be renamed almond juice to minimize confusion

      • zendpy

        You have my respect sir.

  • amin

    definitely moldy cheese. The taste and smell still haunts me

  • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

    Pickled herring...It was totally at the top of the gross scale. Cilantro,which taste like soap.

  • amphetamine

    I was at a little shop that sold organic hand soaps once and I had asked the lady who was working there if it was organic enough to be edible. She told me that it probably was, so I ate a little bit of a sample that was out on a counter. It was disgusting and the oils in it had coated my entire mouth. I ended up eating the display blueberries that decorated the display afterwards in hopes that the taste would go away. That taste didn't leave my mouth for days and I ended up vomiting all night. Then I sent an email to the company stating that it was the worst hand soap I had ever tasted, but it smelled marvelous.

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