Conversation 11 comments by 6 users
  • oystein

    Durian - a carcass flavoured fruit.

    • Qukatt

      carcass smelling too, blurgh.

      The resort i stayed at in Phuket had "no durian" signs on the lifts alongside the no smoking ones.

      • oystein

        That's a bit like a "No dead animals" sign, ie. smart.

        • Qukatt

          Its like (contains nuts" on packs of nuts though ; you'd think it would go without saying.

          But nnoooooooooooo, someone always has to ruin it and needs explicitly told.

    • MePLUR

      My favourite fruit :)

      • oystein

        You have my deepest sympathies. :-D

    • NerfYoda

      I was at a party a few years back where after I ran out of the booze I brought I could either pick a piece out of a goat's head or have a spoonful of durian to get a drink from the house. I should have gone with random piece of dead goat head. I couldn't get the taste of durian out for days.

      • oystein

        I was thinking the same as I read this. Goat's head every time!

    • Aaron215

      Oh man, in college a friend of mine picked one up from a market for the sole purpose of leaving a piece of it hidden in our Resident Assistant's room (basically they are a senior student helper to enforce rules etc).

      My friend was telling him how great it tasted and how it was the sweetest thing he'd ever smell, then he cut into it and everyone gagged and ran away. It was pretty gross smelling, but I think the setup made it smell worse, since everyone was prepared to smell something good. Our RA set up box fans to try and blow the smell away.

      Anyway, we all tried a piece, just to say we did, and then when the RA wasn't looking, we slipped a small piece of it behind some books on his top shelf. It stayed there until he moved out, didn't even find it then. Years later we told him about it (we still are all good friends) and he said he caught whiffs of it from time to time and just thought it had smelled so bad that it seeped into the walls or something.

      • oystein

        Apparently it tastes ok but it is quite fatty. The texture is not that nice.

      • johnfear

        Oh, wow. We did something similar with seafood once. I'll spare everyone the details. It was in there for about three weeks before it was found though.