What is the absolute worst movie you have ever seen?
Personally for me it was Battlefield Earth (2000), an unwatchable steaming pile of dung.
Based on the answers thus far, here is the misery-laced list of Snapzu's absolutely worse movies!
Battlefield Earth - 2000
Marie Antoinette - 2006
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 1975
Score - 2010
The Thin Red Line - 1998
Jack and Jill - 2011
Starcrash - 1978
The Master of Disguise - 2002
Sharknado - 2013
Left Behind - 2014
Mortdecai - 2015
La moustache - 2005
The Happening - 2008
Skyline - 2010
La Cérémonie - 1995
2 Days in the Valley - 1996
9 years ago by spacepopper
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Jack and Jill. They need to use that movie as a torture tactic.
You know, there's a lot of Happy Madison movies fall into this category. Just... Awful. Jack and Jill, Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2, just stupid, stupid movies. I think Joe Dirt was the only exception. It was a turd, but it was a funny one that I enjoyed.
In defense of Happy Madison, there's Grandma's Boy.
Grandma's Boy was strangely entertaining!
What possessed you to see this? I must know!
I lost a bet. Yeah, that's what happened!
Mine is a tie.
Marie Antoinette is the only movie that actually made me angry not at any of the characters, but at the actors and directors.
The other option is just a terrible movie that I don't understand the appeal of. Rocky Horror Picture Show is a terrible movie.
Hey, now.
well for one, it's a musical. two, one of the main characters is a gay retarded frankenstein. three, it's a musical with bad songs. four, the plot is that a couple goody two-shoes get a flat tire and they just happen to stumble upon an alien tranny mad scientist who has made a gay retarded frankenstein that he's so proud of. shenanigans ensue. the tranny alien flees to transylvania to avoid repercussions of a murder.
I have nothing against musicals, myself. I will watch RENT and cry almost any day. But RHPS is just... Dumb! It's not funny, it doesn't have good songs, and it's not even in "so bad it's good" territory! I just don't get the appeal.
Maybe if I were to go to a midnight showing with the audience participation and everything, I would get sucked in to the fervor, but I just don't see myself actually doing that.
Speaking of musicals......
A couple years back I decided to pick a random "hockey" movie out of a pool of about 5-6 other movies. Ended up drawing Score, of course I didn't know it was a musical so I went ahead and started watching it. The goal was to watch whatever movie to the end. I was not impressed!
... A hockey musical? That's a thing?!
To my surprise, yes, sadly its a thing.
Four words. Susan Sarandon In Panties.
Your argument is invalid.
Aww, who am I kidding. It's not high cinema. It's a goofy movie. I did enjoy the sound track quite a bit. Been 20 years since I've seen it. I very well could have a far different reaction to it now.
yeah, and Marie Antoinette had Kirsten Dunst naked but that didn't save the movie.
the problem is my wife LOVES RHPS so I've seen it several times (unwittingly all but once). It still makes no sense.
For me, it was Thin Red Line. I like war movies. They're generally pretty good. Was so bad I walked out of the theatre after about 45 minutes. Bored senseless.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0428856/ This high rated beauty made me waste two hours of my life. Perhaps the meaning of its greatness was lost upon me. I hope one day somebody will explain its true wonder to me.
Giggling like an idiot at that plot summary. That's hilarious.
Based on the summary alone, I've added it to my watchlist.
I can almost visualize a speed metal song about a insane frenchman flipping out about his imaginary lip blanket. All the lyrics are terrible google translations, decrying the unfairness of the world.
Oh man, that plot is so painfully French. What made you watch this?
I was with a friend, me and her were about to go to France, so we thought we'd be "chic" and watch a movie to French-up our spirit...
That'll teach you to try and be chic! Honestly I might have gone see that movie for the fun, but at that time I was more interested in non-French movies (trying to escape from those strange French movies).
Ugh. I've seen some really amazing French movies! Especially the comedies are hilarious. I'm not sure what I expected here.
It can be hit or miss to be honest. It's hard to tell from the trailer, so I usually wait for people to go see them and then I get their feedback.
I see. I'll try to be more careful next time. I'll also try to stop replying, I'm artificially inflating my experience :(
Star Crash wins that ignominious distinction, hands down. A really, really bad ripoff of Star Wars that introduced David Hasselhoff and starred Christopher Plummer who looked positively embarrassed to be there. I caught it on local television and still wanted my money back.
Hey, now
Not my fault he has that movie in his CV.
However, I see that my assumption that it was his first movie was wrong. Apparently that was Revenge of the Cheerleaders. I'm not brave enough to find that movie so I can watch it.
It might be cliche to say this, but The Happening. I was bored throughout the whole movie, and then the "twist" at the end was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Oh, and then the spores or whatever it was that caused people to off themselves just stopped because reasons.
Also, the one movie I've ever purposefully stopped because it was so bad: The Spirit. I don't even remember what was happening, but half an hour into it, I just couldn't watch any more.
I'm not a fan of the movies nor any of his other movies (although Waywood Pines who he is a exec. prod. I think, is good), but the ideas behind The Happening were interested. I think that if it wasn't compressed into 2-3 hours and drawn out over a series it would have been better.
I thought the happening had an excellent premise, but realistically felt it could have just been one of those 15 minute short films we see here and there on vimeo.
I could get behind a short film with that premise. Or at least I could have before M. Night had made The Happening. Now it'd be hard to take anything with that premise seriously.
Agreed, he fucked it up :D
What? No!
Anything by Tyler Perry.
I never watched any of these because the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes always rate them so low. Must be true.
When it first came out I went to see The Master of Disguise with my little cousin. At one point about 40 minutes into the movie I actually stopped watching to brainstorm ways I can get outta there. Ended up sucking it up and watching it to the bitter end.
I swear Mortdecai is worse. I've seen both. :(
The Master of Disguise (3.3) vs Mortdecai (5.5) on IMDB. The general movie going public appears to be siding with me :)
Well, I would tell you to see Mortdecai and make up your own mind, but I'm not that cruel! ;)
If I got through The Counselor, I can get through anything. Well, not anything...
Be careful what you wish for, /u/AdelleChattre... you might not get it!
I think you would literally have to force feed me that movie!
The tree of life. It was painfully trying to be artsy, and developing an idea at such length, like it was trying to spell out to us commoners how artistic and deep it was.
During the movie, I was really tempted to leave the theatre on several occasions, which has never happened to me before. I felt like the movie was being condescending. About 1/4 of the people in the theatre left through the film.
It is my most hated movie.
This one always comes up and it always seems to be a really divisive movie for some people. That said, I have not seen it.
The Last Airbender The show was really good but the movie was just disappointing.
There is no Avatar film. It doesn't exist and the story wasn't butchered by M. Night Shyamalan.
The Earth King has invited you to /t/lakelaogai
Surprised no one has made this yet.
2 days in the valley.
I kept wanting to get up and leave in the middle. Once it was over I got up and saw the other 10-12 people in the theater had left and I was the only one left.
It's a tie between Sharknado and Left Behind --- I usually don't watch bad movies as I always check reviews, but I had a lapse in judgement for these two.
Sharknado was half decent for a tv movie!
I'm going to have to disagree with you on Sharknado. It was trying to accomplish something specific. It was self aware and knew its audience wanted a ridiculous plot and campiness out the wazoo. I'd argue it was successful in this regard and managed to be somewhat entertaining because of it.
I won't argue that it was designed to be so bad it's good --- but I thought it was just bad and felt anxiety trying to finish it.
In college my friends and I watched Gigli just to see how bad it was. Don't make the same mistake I did. (Or if you do, make sure you pregame)
On the other hand, my favorite "worst movie" is Pinata Island.
Pacific Rim. Like come on, really?
It wasn't that bad!
I recently had the misfortune of seeing Mortdecai and it was unbearable! Damn you Johnny and Ewan!!
I may be in the minority here, but I thought Time Bandits was aptly named. It's 110 minutes I wish I had back! ;)
Skyline. Nuff said.
Maybe my expectations were low because I was so bored and it's so obviously a B movie, but I think I enjoyed this (if I recall correctly). Then again, I don't remember what happens, but I remember enjoying the ending. Hm... then again, maybe I was just happy that it was ending.
There are lots of bad movies. But, the most annoying film I've ever seen it would be La Cérémonie
It starts as an interesting character study, and turns into a bloody mess leaving me walking out the theater saying W T H?
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon is a movie I think all aspiring film makers should see to know what not to do in a movie.
Conversely Dreamcatcher is a movie I would not recommend anyone watch for any reason.
I thought the first movie was actually not that bad but armageddon is awful man the worst part was that hideous cgi dragon they had towards the end of the movie.
Baby Geniuses. What a waste of life.
don't forget the sequel, even worse.
Shawshank Redemption. JK, please don't crucify me.
But seriously probably Glitter with Mariah Carey. I had no option.
For a second I thought you were insane... :D
The Avatar The Last Airbender movie... The cartoon may be the best cartoon of all time, and the film just ignores every aspect of the cartoon and makes it this nonsensical, lame attempt at a children's movie. Just horrible. EDIT: Looks like TheSilverTaco beat me to it, should have read the comments first. Sorry.
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I am a huge fan of parody movies. Spaceballs, Scary Movie, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, etc. The humor is very silly with the right amount of witty and biting. However, it's really really easy to forget that satire is not an easy form of humor to pull off and you're reminded of this whenever you watch the appropriately named Disaster Movie.
Now, I can watch a bad movie if it's laughably cheesy. However, Disaster Movie sours any chance it has to actually be funny by their lazy writing full of cheap jokes and lame references. There is no satire to be seen here. Just another barebones "parody" movie made by Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg who are responsible for such cinematic blights as Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, and Vampires Suck.
It took me three tries to finally get through Disaster Movie in one sitting.
I honestly can't differentiate between Date Movie, Epic Movie, and Disaster Movie they all sound like the exact same thing to me and I think I've watched all 3 of those as well
That's because they all pretty much are the same movie rehashed over and over again with worse jokes each time. I didn't even bother watching Vampires Suck but there are people who say it's much worse than Disaster Movie ever was.