Conversation 13 comments by 7 users
  • Nospine

    When I was about 8 years old we were at a family reunion having lunch and whatnot. After a while me and my cousins decided that it would be a good idea to run around an area where the place we were having lunch at was building a small stage for some random event that they were preparing.

    It was at that point that while we played tag, I noticed a small piece of wood with a rusty and rather thick nail sticking out of it... And what do I do? I intentionally step on it of course! I had to go get checked because the thing was rusty and I could've gotten tetanus from it, but luckily enough I was already vaccinated.

    It was dumb, really, really dumb.

    • darkbum

      I...I dont understand. Doesnt evolution prohibit you from doing that?

      • Nospine

        I guess it does, and I have no idea what went through my little mind at the time but it seems that I just wanted to step on it. It was like an impulse that suddenly came to me and told me that I HAD to step on it (maybe it was an indirect way of seeking attention?). Also my shoes were screwed :P

        Sometimes there's no way to know why you do certain things, you just do them, albeit, this wasn't something that I should've done.

      • meowmixxed

        With modern medicine, the dumb kids make it.

        JK JK Nospine that sounds like something I'd do.

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      I did something similarly weird as a child. I was standing at the edge of a swimming pool (note that this was before I knew how to swim), and I had a thought "I wonder how far off the edge I can stand without falling in?" For some reason it didn't occur to me that the only way to know the limit was to go past it and fall in...which I did. And that's the story of the second of six times I almost drown.

      • eikonoklastes

        Come on man, you can't hint at it and then let us sit there. How did you manage to get yourself into that situation six times?

        • GeniusIComeAnon

          Well, the first time I was two and fell into the pool somehow. Nobody apparently knows why :P

          The second time was as stated above!

          The third time I was maybe 7 and was pulled into the ocean by a large wave, but my mom managed to grab me.

          The fourth time I was 8 and decided to swim in a very dangerous river with my cousin of the same age. I got pulled under by an undercurrent and was actually stuck under the longest for this one. Somehow my cousin managed to pull me up and then we just kept swimming.

          The fifth time was similar to the third. I was grabbed by a wave while out a little ways. A stranger actually saved me that time.

          The sixth and most recent time happened when I was 15. This happened at the beach. There was a cave that me and my older sister wanted to check out. To get to it you have to cross a river that actually flows away from the ocean. There were fairly large waves that day, so you had to choose when to cross carefully. I made it fine, but my sister decided to carry all of our stuff across and moved slowly. She was swept by a wave and without a second thought I jumped in after her. She held on tight to our stuff, and I kept grabbing her to push her above water(making me go under). I called for help to the lifeguard, but he couldn't hear me. There was only a coast on the other side of the river, we were up against a wall of rock. After being dragged along for maybe a hundred feet, we managed to catch on a rock and from there get back to the coast. We walked away with only some deep scratches that we didn't even notice until we got back to our people. The scary thing was that after about a hundred yards, the coast ends and it's just rock on both sides.

          • eikonoklastes

            Holy crap, and you still swim? You are a much braver person than me. I'd be scared shitless of water at that point.

            • GeniusIComeAnon

              I actually swim for one-three hours a day! In fact, I just got back from swimming :P

            • eikonoklastes
              @GeniusIComeAnon -

              Alright then, we either got us an olympic swimmer here, or an industrial diver, or a treasure hunter on his 200kk yacht. Pearl/clam diver seems too far fetched. I hope it's all three at the same time. The mystery is enough to make your life look hella interesting.

              I'll just go and play some games now, to distract from my mundane life...

            • GeniusIComeAnon
              @eikonoklastes -

              Haha! I can certainly say my life has been interesting. I think it just comes from wanting to try everything. If you ever want to, it's pretty easy to try new things, but you have to know how to look. I can tell you I have swam competitively, I have dug a pearl out of a fresh clam, and I have hunted for interesting things in water with variable success. No industrial diving I'm afraid, though!

    • Retzilience

      That's not even dumb, just plain daft.

      Cute, tho.

    • Qukatt

      I've stood on a rusty nail once, ruined a brand new pair of white sneakers :D my mum was not happy