  • GeniusIComeAnon

    I actually swim for one-three hours a day! In fact, I just got back from swimming :P

  • eikonoklastes
    @GeniusIComeAnon -

    Alright then, we either got us an olympic swimmer here, or an industrial diver, or a treasure hunter on his 200kk yacht. Pearl/clam diver seems too far fetched. I hope it's all three at the same time. The mystery is enough to make your life look hella interesting.

    I'll just go and play some games now, to distract from my mundane life...

    • GeniusIComeAnon
      @eikonoklastes -

      Haha! I can certainly say my life has been interesting. I think it just comes from wanting to try everything. If you ever want to, it's pretty easy to try new things, but you have to know how to look. I can tell you I have swam competitively, I have dug a pearl out of a fresh clam, and I have hunted for interesting things in water with variable success. No industrial diving I'm afraid, though!