What the hell, man. We must think alike. That's kinda how I came up with my username - and, check it, one of my old VPN logins was Picklefinger. Like, I'm not even kidding.
Yes, and I don't mind giving out free tax advice. The more people understand how the tax code works, the better. In fact, I'm hoping to build /t/tax into a place where people can come and ask for free tax advice. Come by and join if you have a question (or if you are also a tax pro).
I've been slowly, sloooowly teaching myself Python for a while. Not even for a particular reason, I just like programming, but I'm not very good and I don't have any projects in mind. Python just clicked with me, so I learn where I can :)
Nice! Yeah, Python can be super helpful. I haven't tried to learn anything else except R, but it also seems like a great first language to learn, too. I know with R, there seemed to be a little be more of a learning curve at the beginning.
R's not to bad, especially if you move to something a little easier to work with, like R Studio. It's easier than working in SAS at least, and it's not expensive to use. Glad freeware research tools are being more widely accepted.
Went through a weeaboo phase on Gaia online where I went through several Japanese sounding usernames until settling on Nekomaru. I eventually grew out of... Well I at least cut back on some of my old tendencies, but I kept the username, eventually translating it into English.
Is that place still alive? I used to visit everyday, was addicted to the art forums and playing dress-up with my avatar... My childhood self's reddit/snapzu!
I never use my "regular" internet names for forums (makes it too easy to find me) so this is something I came up with on the spot. It's from the phrase "two ships passing each other in the night", a metaphor for people who meet briefly and never interact again. I've recently dropped some people from my life and I've been thinking a lot about how relationships can be so fleeting.. One moment you think you're going to be friends with someone til you're both old and grey, the next you don't even know her number anymore.
That's pretty deep. And not the kind of fake "I'm deep, pay attention to me," kind...this actually made me step back for a second and really think about the ships in the night metaphor. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked it! It originally came from "Tales From a Wayside Inn", a poem/prose piece by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, if you wanna read more about it.
Just out of curiosity, where else on the Internet do you use aliases besides on forums? I go to plenty of websites that are not forums, but they're usually either services that use my email address for registration or things that I don't register for at all.
Mostly steam & social media - but anything I use to follow/talk to people I know in real life, really. If I can afford to stay anonymous I use random aliases.
In -94 or so, I was playin a MUD called BatMud. My first character was named like "Yyyyeeaaaargghh" or something silly like this. Eventually, I forgot how many 'y's and 'e's and 'a's, there was, so I was unable to login and the admins were unable to help me because I didn't know my character name.
In this game, there were random lines or text which indicated that your spell had failed. One of the was "Your spell fizzles." I thought the Fizzl part looked funny, it was short and it would be impossible to forget, so I created a new character with that name. I dropped the 'e' at the time, as I wasn't familiar enough with the English language to know that it was part of the root word instead of the inflection.
So, here I am, 20 years later, still using the same name everytwhere.
I am like the easiest person to dox and find embarrassing stuff about :)
Let's take a trip down memory lane. "racerx" was a cheat code for the 1999 game Descent (invulnerability cheat code, to be specific). I always liked the way it sounded and was a massive improvement over my previous username "Mad Dog Killer" (I was like six years old, don't stab me plz). Humorously enough, I knew nothing about Speed Racer or the metal band Racer X at the time.
Then as I got into RPGs, I noticed they started calling me by my last name. "Sir X" and "House of X" didn't have the same ring to it, so I had to bake up a last name. "Xonclar" (zon-clar) came to mind and...well... it's been with me ever since. Racer Xonclar is never taken on any website :)
There's a beer brewed by Bear Republic in California called Racer X. One of their original and most popular beers is Racer 5. They also have a Cafe Racer 15. But Racer X is their double IPA and very delicious. If you're ever in Napa wine country, stop by their brewery!
That's simple, but cool! I like how you used the words to get to your name. It did take me a couple tries to figure it out though. I couldn't get past the "Toek-nee" my brain kept seeing.
Sorry it's not a great story. I didn't finish my STEM degree, but I have an Associates in Mathematics.I still like it though. It's actually a carry-over from my reddit username for all you stalkers.
I had a really good friend who travel to Hawaii once with my wife. We rented a house but it was infested with mice, so I found another house but the only place to sleep was a futon. I kept calling it a fontoon and it stuck. Unfortunately he passed away from a massive heart attack.
I loved the characters of "The Architect" from the Matrix as well as Dragon Age: Awakening...but especially with the "The " in front, it's a username that's either forbidden character-wise or, since "Architect" is a proper word, already taken. I also love aliens...QED :P.
I used to study Shaolin, Tun Leung Chaun (Praying Mantis Fist), and Tai Chi when I was younger. Add in the fact that younger me was a lot more of a hothead, and it should be self explanatory as to why my friends called me the Mad Monk xD
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Absolutely nothing. I just started stringing two words together and came to picklefingers.
one of the most memorable names on here...every time I see you it's like - "there goes ol' picklefingers"
Second time I've seen you, picklefingers-- guess I'm going to have to add you now.
It's the pickles man. They do things to you.
Add peanut butter to the kosher dills to make them even better.
I thought picklefingers was admin for quite a while due to his/her omnipresence
Second time? Shit, I haven't been here a week and I see him constantly.
Well, that's helped by the fact that you follow me, so every single one of my posts show up on your feed haha.
Hmm... I thought this would have some connections to Salad Fingers (an animated series). :)
What the hell, man. We must think alike. That's kinda how I came up with my username - and, check it, one of my old VPN logins was Picklefinger. Like, I'm not even kidding.
You can probably guess what I do for a living from my username.
Prison warden.
Close. I'm a guy.
dangerous. are people not constantly asking for free tax advice. it's like having someone named "imadermatologistsendme_pictures"
Yes, and I don't mind giving out free tax advice. The more people understand how the tax code works, the better. In fact, I'm hoping to build /t/tax into a place where people can come and ask for free tax advice. Come by and join if you have a question (or if you are also a tax pro).
I'm a geography student and I've had to teach myself python and R to get myself through grad school: geography + programmer
You're crampin my style bro!
That's actually a pretty cool origins story!
I've been slowly, sloooowly teaching myself Python for a while. Not even for a particular reason, I just like programming, but I'm not very good and I don't have any projects in mind. Python just clicked with me, so I learn where I can :)
Nice! Yeah, Python can be super helpful. I haven't tried to learn anything else except R, but it also seems like a great first language to learn, too. I know with R, there seemed to be a little be more of a learning curve at the beginning.
R's not to bad, especially if you move to something a little easier to work with, like R Studio. It's easier than working in SAS at least, and it's not expensive to use. Glad freeware research tools are being more widely accepted.
Went through a weeaboo phase on Gaia online where I went through several Japanese sounding usernames until settling on Nekomaru. I eventually grew out of... Well I at least cut back on some of my old tendencies, but I kept the username, eventually translating it into English.
Gaia Online...I...I remember...shudder...
Is that place still alive? I used to visit everyday, was addicted to the art forums and playing dress-up with my avatar... My childhood self's reddit/snapzu!
Not only is it still alive, it's barely slowed down in terms of popularity.
I never use my "regular" internet names for forums (makes it too easy to find me) so this is something I came up with on the spot. It's from the phrase "two ships passing each other in the night", a metaphor for people who meet briefly and never interact again. I've recently dropped some people from my life and I've been thinking a lot about how relationships can be so fleeting.. One moment you think you're going to be friends with someone til you're both old and grey, the next you don't even know her number anymore.
That's pretty deep. And not the kind of fake "I'm deep, pay attention to me," kind...this actually made me step back for a second and really think about the ships in the night metaphor. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked it! It originally came from "Tales From a Wayside Inn", a poem/prose piece by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, if you wanna read more about it.
That's the perfect Internet user name.
Well said and very accurate.
Just out of curiosity, where else on the Internet do you use aliases besides on forums? I go to plenty of websites that are not forums, but they're usually either services that use my email address for registration or things that I don't register for at all.
Mostly steam & social media - but anything I use to follow/talk to people I know in real life, really. If I can afford to stay anonymous I use random aliases.
Ooohhh, I didn't even think of stuff like Twitter/Instagram/etc. I'm a dinosaur and don't use them so it didn't occur to me.
In -94 or so, I was playin a MUD called BatMud. My first character was named like "Yyyyeeaaaargghh" or something silly like this. Eventually, I forgot how many 'y's and 'e's and 'a's, there was, so I was unable to login and the admins were unable to help me because I didn't know my character name.
In this game, there were random lines or text which indicated that your spell had failed. One of the was "Your spell fizzles." I thought the Fizzl part looked funny, it was short and it would be impossible to forget, so I created a new character with that name. I dropped the 'e' at the time, as I wasn't familiar enough with the English language to know that it was part of the root word instead of the inflection.
So, here I am, 20 years later, still using the same name everytwhere.
I am like the easiest person to dox and find embarrassing stuff about :)
I regret nothing!
That's a REALLY cool story! Thanks for sharing :D
My hair was (and still is!) in a mohawk that I don't bother to straighten out.
I feel like we are a bunch of unimaginative folks.
Let's take a trip down memory lane. "racerx" was a cheat code for the 1999 game Descent (invulnerability cheat code, to be specific). I always liked the way it sounded and was a massive improvement over my previous username "Mad Dog Killer" (I was like six years old, don't stab me plz). Humorously enough, I knew nothing about Speed Racer or the metal band Racer X at the time.
Then as I got into RPGs, I noticed they started calling me by my last name. "Sir X" and "House of X" didn't have the same ring to it, so I had to bake up a last name. "Xonclar" (zon-clar) came to mind and...well... it's been with me ever since. Racer Xonclar is never taken on any website :)
There's a beer brewed by Bear Republic in California called Racer X. One of their original and most popular beers is Racer 5. They also have a Cafe Racer 15. But Racer X is their double IPA and very delicious. If you're ever in Napa wine country, stop by their brewery!
Racer X was also the masked racer in the Speed Racer series. Cool, mysterious, fast etc.
Very simple. My name is Tony and my favorite number is 99.
Why is your favorite number 99?
I chose it randomly when I was a kid playing NBA Live 2003 and I had to give my custom player a number.
That's simple, but cool! I like how you used the words to get to your name. It did take me a couple tries to figure it out though. I couldn't get past the "Toek-nee" my brain kept seeing.
It's because I can be anything. The possibilities are endless. Also, welcome!
I still remember that deep voice.
For me, it's the hilarious background music that really sets it off.
I enjoy math.
Sorry it's not a great story. I didn't finish my STEM degree, but I have an Associates in Mathematics.I still like it though. It's actually a carry-over from my reddit username for all you stalkers.
It's a testament to how small snapzu is that this word is still available.
I like donuts.
Hyperion Cantos
I'm reading Fall of Hyperion right now. Such a great series.
I had a really good friend who travel to Hawaii once with my wife. We rented a house but it was infested with mice, so I found another house but the only place to sleep was a futon. I kept calling it a fontoon and it stuck. Unfortunately he passed away from a massive heart attack.
:| :) :(
What a rollercoaster of emotion!
Talk about your vacation from hell! I'm sorry to hear that.
He didn't pass away on that trip.
Xenomorph was taken. I'm looking at you /u/Xenomorph !!!
Should have called yourself xenosmurph
Xeno has kinda grown on me. It's nice and short.
I loved the characters of "The Architect" from the Matrix as well as Dragon Age: Awakening...but especially with the "The " in front, it's a username that's either forbidden character-wise or, since "Architect" is a proper word, already taken. I also love aliens...QED :P.
Me Peace Love Unity Respect.
I kept using variations of the name "Nightstalker" ever since I got Half Life 2 and needed to make a steam account back when I was like 11.
Except for that short-lived "Zeiken" business back in 2013. :P
Currently a med student, and I'm hoping in 3 years to be able to give good advice with this username
Ahh the perks of getting in early.
I used to study Shaolin, Tun Leung Chaun (Praying Mantis Fist), and Tai Chi when I was younger. Add in the fact that younger me was a lot more of a hothead, and it should be self explanatory as to why my friends called me the Mad Monk xD
I like my soup to be salty and stew sounds better than soup.
My view of usernames was 'take a random quantity (1/2) and take a random thing (balcony) and there's your new username
I've been a fan since childhood. Babes in Toyland...what can I say children have impressionable minds xD
I'm of Mexican descent, and I like being in charge. Hence, KingAztek
My favorite color is red and my favorite super hero is the Green Lantern.. so I combined the two
Christmas lantern