
Whats the most annoying thing about going to the movies/cinema?

8 years ago by aj0690 with 24 comments

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  • spacepopper

    Actually having to go to the movies/cinema.

    ON Demand: Pick a movie, watch movie.
    Cinema: Get ready, drive out there, look for a parking spot, deal with lineups, buy over priced popcorn/soda, find a decent seat, deal with kids kicking seat, deal with loud people talking on phone, get annoyed at how uncomfortable the seats are after 1 hour of sitting, spill out like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter & drive home.

    I figure, ill just wait a few months until I can watch movie at home.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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  • idlethreat

    The 30 minutes of previews and coke ads before the movie even starts. I make a point of showing up to this shit show on time. Why can't you just play the damn movie at the time documented on the ticket?

    No. I get 50 commercials shoved in my face before it begins.

    • Endymion

      Movies theaters near me have the reservation system now, never been happier going to movies. Saw the new Mission: Impossible on the Friday it came out, went to theater 10 mins after the time on tickets, still got nice seats since I reserved 3 days prior for us!

      I heard lot of theaters in USA don't have reservation is because the advertisers want you to come early to get nice seats, that way you end up watching their ads.

    • racerxonclar

      This is basically my only gripe as long as you're going to a good theater. Sure I could watch stuff at home but... eh, I have a hard time focusing on a movie when all my usual distractions are around me :P

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • massani (edited 8 years ago)

    People! Everytime you go, there are always the same damn type of people:

    - The people that show up late and stand there for 5 min trying to find a fucking seat.

    - The people who whisper constantly.


    - The people who buy the noisiest food / candy and don't let up the entire movie.

    - People who don't understand the concept of hygiene.

    - The people who think it's a good idea to bring their little ones to an R-rated movie.

    - The dickholes who think they can sit anywhere when the IMAX has assigned seating.

    • nauthas

      Serious question here- Who thought popcorn was a good idea? It's noisy and it goes all over! It is like the least ideal thing for a cinema!

  • spaceghoti

    The growing popularity of 3D films.

    The moviegoers who continually kick seats or make noise. Related to the last point, either leave your small children home with a babysitter or don't go.

    • racerxonclar

      I'll agree a lot of 3D movies are lazy special effect passes to make more money off the ticket, but if it's proper 3D (Avatar, most of the Marvel movies, etc), I very happily watch it in 3D. Even missing of one my contacts, Avatar was extremely enjoyable :)

      • spaceghoti

        I saw Avatar in 3D and 2D, and I don't see that the movie was significantly improved by the 3D effects. Story matters more to me than special effects.


        • racerxonclar

          I'm a sucker for immersion, plus am a hobbyist in 3D art and rendering... so perhaps I'm also a bit biased the other direction :)

  • PushPull

    I don't mind going to the theater on occasion with the wife, it's a nice time out for us. We don't see it as a hassle, just a way for the two of us to get out and about for some together time. The biggest problem I have with going is actually getting the wife there early enough to not have to be rushed, find a seat in the dark, etc.

    Outside my relationship issues, the biggest 'problem' I have is the price of drinks and snacks. I solve the snack issue by hitting a convenience store on the way in and the drink issue by purchasing that special yearly cup that gives big discounts on the drinks. Popcorn is something we both enjoy, so we splurge on that.

    • OldTallGuy (edited 8 years ago)

      I still enjoy going too in spite of the hassles, there is something magical to me about watching a movie on the big screen. Our local theater has $5 Tuesdays with a free small popcorn so it's a cheap date and a nice midweek break with my wife.

  • Zeus

    Trailers that spoil EVERYTHING. One can only imagine the mental state of a movie marketer:

    "What's that? The hero's best friend kidnaps his girl 20 minutes before the end? SHOW IT.

    Bruce Willis is a what? SHOW IT.

    The twenty minute denouement at the end of Psycho, explaining everything? TWENTY MINUTE TRAILER! WOOHOO!"

    • septimine

      Yeah, and they're usually the best bits of the movie. I feel like I've seen most of the good content and am less likely to buy a ticket than I am for a movie I never heard of.

  • Gozzin

    How loud they are,all the ads, all the annoying other people..And the movies themselves are mostly predictable garbage with the same tired old plots over and over again. I quit going years ago, not that i ever went that often.

  • Fooferhill

    The chairs. They are often uncomfortable, too close to the row in front, not a great angle if you need support in the lower back and often not clean enough. That said I try to get so engrossed in the movie to not notice but for longer movies it's no fun to co e out sore and stiff.

  • MePLUR

    How expensive it is. For the cost of a movie and snacks at the cinema, I can buy it on Blu Ray, and watch it in the comfort of my own home. I think the last time I went to the movies was for The Dark Knight Rises.

  • moottranslation

    People talking through the film, or people sitting too close to you in a practically empty theatre. I love the experience, hate the people. (hate's a strong word. strongly dislike.)