  • PushPull

    I don't mind going to the theater on occasion with the wife, it's a nice time out for us. We don't see it as a hassle, just a way for the two of us to get out and about for some together time. The biggest problem I have with going is actually getting the wife there early enough to not have to be rushed, find a seat in the dark, etc.

    Outside my relationship issues, the biggest 'problem' I have is the price of drinks and snacks. I solve the snack issue by hitting a convenience store on the way in and the drink issue by purchasing that special yearly cup that gives big discounts on the drinks. Popcorn is something we both enjoy, so we splurge on that.

    • OldTallGuy (edited 8 years ago)

      I still enjoy going too in spite of the hassles, there is something magical to me about watching a movie on the big screen. Our local theater has $5 Tuesdays with a free small popcorn so it's a cheap date and a nice midweek break with my wife.