Viewing sysadmin's Snapzine
Matt Taibbi's The Divide: incandescent indictment of the American justice-gap
Matt Taibbi's The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap is a scorching, brilliant, incandescent indictment of the widening gap in how American justice treats the rich and the poor. Taibbi's spectacular financial reporting for Rolling Stone set him out as the best running commentator on the financial crisis and its crimes, and The Divide -- beautifully illustrated by Molly Crabapple -- shows that at full length, he's even better. Cory Doctorow reviews The Divide.
Always Hungry? Here’s Why
FOR most of the last century, our understanding of the cause of obesity has been based on immutable physical law. Specifically, it’s the first law of thermodynamics, which dictates that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. When it comes to body weight, this means that calorie intake minus calorie expenditure equals calories stored. Surrounded by tempting foods, we overeat, consuming more calories than we can burn off, and the excess is deposited as fat.
Posted in: by funhonestdude -
6 hostage negotiation techniques that will get you what you want
The Behavioral Change Stairway Model was developed by the FBI's hostage negotiation unit, and it shows the five steps to getting someone else to see your point of view and change what they're doing. It's not something that only works with barricaded criminals wielding assault rifles — it applies to most any form of disagreement.
Posted in: by melaniee -
The Next America
Demographic transformations are dramas in slow motion. America is in the midst of two right now. Our population is becoming majority non-white at the same time a record share is going gray.
Posted in: by imokruok -
Misery has more to teach us than happiness does
For years, economists have laboured on the riddle of happiness. If they studied misery instead, they might get somewhere
Spouses in Happy Marriages Cheat. What Are We All Looking For?
We would all like to believe that affairs are the refuge of the discontented, that only people in unhappy marriages cheat.But “happy,” it turns out, is not a sufficient antidote to affair.
Posted in: by zyery -
Virtually everything in this 1991 Radio Shack flyer exists in your cell phone.
Times have changed. And yes teacher, I will have a calculator on me at all times.
Posted in: by hxxp -
10 Sentences That Can Change Your Perspective On Life
10 Sentences That Can Change Your Perspective On Life
Posted in: by mi22cynical -
When People Look Back on Their Lives, What Are Some Common Regrets They Have?
This may sound a little melodramatic, but no matter how happy you are, at my age, your regrets are countless.
Posted in: by drunkenninja -
Why Carl Sagan is Truly Irreplaceable
No one will ever match his talent as the “gatekeeper of scientific credibility”. We live in Carl Sagan’s universe–awesomely vast, deeply humbling. It’s a universe that, as Sagan reminded us again and again, isn’t about us. We’re a granular element. Our presence may even be ephemeral—a flash of luminescence in a great dark ocean.
Posted in: by drunkenninja -
Ask A Physicist To Speak At Your Funeral
"You want a physicist to speak at your funeral. You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that your energy has not died." One Of the Best pieces of writing I have ever read.
Posted in: by Benjoshua -
On Getting Criticism
People who tell you you’re awesome are useless. No, dangerous.
Posted in: by sysadmin -
So this explains the phrase boiling with anger
Body temperature locations based off human emotions.
Posted in: by snapzulander -
The Anatomy of a Magazine Cover
The best design podcast around—and one of the best podcasts, period—is Roman Mars’ 99% Invisible. On it he covers design questions large and small, from his fascination with rebar to the history of slot machines to the great Los Angeles Red Car conspiracy. Here at The Eye, we cross-post his new episodes and host excerpts from the 99% Invisible blog, which offers complementary visuals for each episode.
Posted in: by everlost -
Camel bones suggest error in Bible, archaeologists say
Archaeologists from Israel’s top university have used radiocarbon dating to pinpoint the arrival of domestic camels in the Middle East -- and they say the science directly contradicts the Bible’s version of events.
Posted in: by geoleo -
You get what you want - by Ananya Gaurav
This is one of those comics strips that leaves an impact on your life after being read. Have patience for it will surprise you with its wonderful insights.
Posted in: by con5aak -
Surviving Anxiety
I've tried therapy, drugs, and booze. Here’s how I came to terms with the nation's most common mental illness.
Posted in: by sysadmin -
Psychological perspective of a human - The Egg!
There are articles that have philosophy equivalent to a novel. This article written by Andy weir is one of those legendary articles. It gives you a new perspective to life as a whole.
Posted in: by nevinkjohn -
When You Criticize Someone, You Make It Harder for that Person to Change
“If everything worked out perfectly in your life, what would you be doing in ten years?” Such a question opens us up to fresh possibilities, to reflect on what matters most to us, and even what deep values might guide us through life. This approach gives managers a tool for coaching their teams to get better results.
Posted in: by weekendhobo