melaniee's feed
5 years agoCurrent Event melaniee
Swedish researchers create world's first paper battery
Researchers at Uppsala University have successfully created the world's first paper battery.
5 years agoCurrent Event melaniee
Greta Thunberg to sail across Atlantic for UN climate summits
Greta Thunberg is to sail across the Atlantic in a high-speed racing yacht next month to attend UN climate summits in the US and Chile as part of a sabbatical year the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist will spend in the US.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data
The data economy demands a new approach to antitrust rules
5 years agoExpression melaniee
Adblocking: How About Nah?
For more than a decade, consumer rights groups (including EFF) worked with technologists and companies to try to standardize Do Not Track, a flag that browsers could send to online companies signaling that their users did not want their browsing activity tracked.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
How the Plastics Industry Is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World
Pushes to “recycle” plastics are one element of a massive industry-led effort to suppress meaningful efforts to reduce plastic waste.
5 years agoCurrent Event melaniee
Moon buggies and bags of poo: what humans left on the moon
More than half a century of lunar exploration has left its mark on the moon. What Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin described as the “magnificent desolation” of the relentlessly grey surface is littered with clapped-out robots, spacecraft parts, moon buggies (including one with a bible on the dashboard) and technical equipment.
5 years agoExpression melaniee
My boyfriend killed himself because his family couldn’t accept that he was gay
Nazim Mahmood jumped to his death from a balcony seven months ago after coming out to his parents. His partner of 13 years, Matthew Ogston, talks to Sarfraz Manzoor
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
Anorexia not just a psychiatric problem, scientists find
Discovery of metabolic causes opens door to new treatments for dangerous eating disorder
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
AI made from a sheet of glass can recognise numbers just by looking
A sheet of glass can distinguish between drawings of 0 to 9, because light waves reflected off the images are bent differently as they pass through the glass
5 years agoExpression melaniee
The Best Way to Tour a City Is Through Its Grocery Store
The local market as museum.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
Restoring forests could capture two-thirds of the carbon humans have added to the atmosphere
Restoring the world's lost forests could remove two thirds of all the planet-warming carbon that is in the atmosphere because of human activity, according to a new study.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
Smoking cigarettes linked to negative personality changes
Summary: Using the Big Five model of personality traits, researchers found smokers were more likely to experience an increase in neuroticism over time.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
Why isn’t birth control better?
Birth control has come a long way since 1960, but the options are far from perfect.
5 years agoLevel Up melaniee
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5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others?
Blood type, metabolism, exercise, shirt color and even drinking beer can make individuals especially delicious to mosquitoes
5 years agoCurrent Event melaniee
Netflix is testing a pop-out, picture-in-picture mode for desktop
Never stop streaming
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
These dogs are getting a cancer vaccine. If it works, humans could be next
A cancer vaccine is being tested in 800 pet dogs. If it works, researchers say it could one day be tested in humans.
5 years agoAnalysis melaniee
22% of Young Men, 5% of Young Women Engage in ‘Disordered Eating’ to Bulk Up
Adolescents who see themselves as puny and who exercise to gain weight may be at risk of so-called muscularity-oriented disordered eating behaviors.