mani774455's feed
9 years agoComment mangobird
I just finished working through The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook and am feeling pretty good about the progress I made. I'd recommend it for anybody who has a problem with any kind of anxiety -- it includes sections for a variety of problems, but you can just skip the sections that don't apply to you.
Also been enjoying the tabletop game Forbidden Desert with my roommates this week. It's a good mix of being easy-to-learn for beginners and difficult to actually win. Plus it comes with a tiny airship figurine that is fun to put together.
9 years agoText Post mangobird
7/13/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
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9 years agoAchievement mangobird
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations mangobird on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment mangobird
Honestly, I'm not very good at beating procrastination at all. But at least when you know you're a chronic procrastinator, you can take measures to trick yourself.
- If you need your computer to work, install a browser extension that blocks sites like Snapzu and Facebook during certain work hours. I'll still find a way to waste time if I put my mind to it, but it helps to get the most addictive ones out of the way.
- Find something you enjoy listening to and only listen to it while working. So if there's a new episode of my favorite podcast, it almost feels like I'm excited for work, because work and the podcast always go hand-in-hand.
- If possible, go to a cafe to work. None of your stuff is there to distract you, and it makes you feel more purposeful. I sometimes talk myself out of this to save money, but it helps to think of that coffee / snack as "work tax" that I pay for accomplishing things that I wouldn't at home.
- On your to-do list, write down how long you think each task will take. Sometimes it's easier to get started on something if I can see it will only take a half hour and then I can check it off. If the times on your list are too daunting, break them down into smaller tasks.
show morePosted in: Snapzu, how do you beat procastrination?
9 years agoComment mangobird
My most frequent recurring dream is that I'm at a grocery store or restaurant and I'm trying to decide on the perfect thing to eat. No matter how long the dream lasts, it never ends with me deciding on something and finally eating it. But I never wake up hungry, so I think it's more about anxiety over too many choices than food.
9 years agoLevel Up mangobird
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mangobird is now level 5 with 11,065 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement mangobird
Video Vigilante
Published 2/2 video snaps! Congratulations mangobird on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoVideo/Audio mangobird
Tiny Painting Time Lapse by Lorraine Loots
9 years ago
Oh cool, I didn't know that! I guess the word "returns" should have tipped me off.
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years agoAchievement mangobird
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations mangobird on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years ago
Also it's easy to verify that a celebrity is present for an AMA, but if they're expected to comment regularly then I imagine at least some of them would hire somebody to comment for them.
9 years ago
Congrats! I still haven't seen Whisper of The Heart, but The Cat Returns is my favorite underrated Ghibli movie.
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years ago
Welcome! I'm also hoping that the community here will be a little more welcoming and nice than Reddit was, and so far that definitely seems to be true.
Foreigner has been on my to-read list for a while, but I'm always daunted by a 10+ book series. Now I'm trying to read for at least an hour a day.
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years agoComment mangobird
I don't think most celebrities would want to interact with the Reddit community outside the highly moderated environment of an AMA -- the ones who would already do. (Wil Wheaton, Brandon Sanderson, etc.)
9 years agoExpression mangobird
Heathered Pearls - Warm Air Estate (ft. Outerbridge)
Taken from 'Body Complex' LP by Heathered Pearls, out August 7, 2015. Purchase at The Ghostly Store:
9 years ago
Haha that's a crazy premise but it looks really fun. Playstation Plus seems like a good deal for a set of new games every month.
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years ago
I've been wanting to play Alien: Isolation but I might be too chicken. On a scale from 1 - 10 how scary is it so far?
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years agoText Post mangobird
/t/thisweek - What's making you happy this week?
9 years agoComment mangobird
To get us started: Recently I really like the show Mr. Robot. The pilot episode is one of the best I've seen in a while, and it's fun to see a show with a cyberpunk feel to it. Also, depictions of hackers on TV shows usually seem ridiculous, but this one (to my untrained eye) at least feels somewhat realistic.
Posted in: 7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
9 years agoText Post mangobird
7/6/2015: What's Making You Happy This Week?
14 comments in posted into
9 years agoLevel Up mangobird
Level 4
mangobird is now level 4 with 6,060 XP.
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- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years ago
I would love to see a whole movie like this. The video description says it was made in Blender, aside from that I'm not sure.
Posted in: Samurai Jack Fan Tribute
9 years agoComment mangobird
If the tone and visual style of the show are at all similar to this teaser, I'm really excited!
Posted in: An Unfortunate Teaser [HD]
9 years agoUnspecified mangobird
NPR's Songs We Love 2015 (So Far)
Put on your headphones and listen to 199 of NPR Music's favorite songs from 2015 (so far).
9 years agoVideo/Audio mangobird
Samurai Jack Fan Tribute
Beautiful style.