7 years ago
Here's The Science on Why Eating Fat Won't Make You Fat
"Eat fat, get fat" has been the conventional wisdom guiding American diets for the past two decades. Yet more and more research suggests that thinking is dangerously misguided.
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This person needs to check the definition of "animal".
Ketoer for years,I know fat won't make you fat and saturated fat is safe too. But scientists were bribed by the sugar industry to blame fat and that's what started this whole mess in the first place,plus Ancel Keys..Yeah,he helped. By the time Ancil realized he was wrong,the horses had left the barn and never returned. So the more we were told to double down on high carb,low fat,the worse things became. And the standard American diet has spread like a cancer leaving obesity,diabetes and heart disease in it's wake.
This is downvoted? Why on Earth would anybody do that? It's gotta be that somebody mistapped.
Interesting information. I always try to have a balanced diet.