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9 years ago+10 10 0Rules and expectations and the difference.
After my two last topics sparked some decent discussion. I would like to ask you the following : We all know snapzu written rules but what about the unspoken ones can you list a few ? What kind of conduct do you expect from a Snapzite ?
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9 years ago+77 80 3To the newcomers on Snapzu (Again): 1-5 word comments. does not make a healthy discussion. Please refrain from trying to farm xp.
While the xp system does somewhat make things into a game please refrain from posting single line / low word count/ unrelated posts . It really harms the quality of our content.
EDIT : This is not about valid in context short replies or the odd thanks It's about people clearly abusing the xp system by short posting
EDIT 2 : Ok it seems like this still needs a bit more explanation. This is not so much about making a short reply or a joke every once in a while. It IS about systemic exploitation of the xp system by a handfull of users by posting short 1 word maybe up to 5 (perhaps i should have said 2 hey it was 4 am) word replies in a repeated and rapid fashion spread across multiple snaps soley to gain xp. The effect of this is that it turns the tribe feed into a stream of "Great" "I'll look at it" "Hello" "Thanks" "+1" "Nice !" etc etc. Which really in essence breaks more -
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9 years ago+116 121 5To the newcomers on Snapzu : Please remember that the downvote button is not your personal dislike or disagree button
Please don't downvote topics your are uninterested in or disagree with. The downvote button is there for users to self moderate harmfull or offensive content. If you disagree with a topic please ignore it or even better tell people why and engage in some healthy discourse but don't just downvote because you can.
Edit : Since /u/massani brought up fixing this very thing here earlier. Please comment on any possible fixes there. -
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9 years ago+2 2 0/t/fixit A tribe about fixes and repairs for a broad spectrum of things.
I started this tribe a while ago actually and never got around to posting content. If anyone has any repair howto requests let me know or post your own :)
9 years agoUnspecified+13 13 0Ellen Pao dismissive about reddit blackout
Ms. Pao says that the most virulent detractors on the site are a vocal minority
9 years ago+18 18 0 x 2Radio Communications Dashboard | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
Rember yesterdays wifi thread ? press play on the image and watch the effects of the CME's hit
9 years ago+8 8 0How It’s Made Series: Beats By Dre
Is there more to Beats than meets the eye?
9 years ago+2 2 0Here’s how to get Windows 10 for free even if you don’t have Windows 7 or 8
And you'll need to take action if you want to keep getting Windows betas.
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9 years ago+5 5 0How about we start a linux gaming tribe ?
I actually enjoy gaming on linux quite a bit and wonder if we should start a separate tribe for it. What do you guys think ?
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9 years ago+58 59 1Let's start a invite thread on /r/RedditAlternatives/ for the refugees
It seems there are quite a few people that would like a invite to snapzu so what do you guys think about starting a refugee thread on reddit ? EDIT: Link to reddit thread
Update : At the time I writing we are about 12 hours in on this thread and things are slowly winding down and the thread on reddit is slowly falling down the front page of /r/RedditAlternatives . So I would like to take this time and thank you all for your effort. It seems that the majority of our newcomers have settled in quite well and quickly from what I can tell thanks to the effort of everyone in the community. Thanks everyone :)
9 years agoUnspecified+12 12 0Australian researchers create microtimber by 3D printing with macadamia nut shells
Among other projects, Australian researchers have been actively working on developing a new project that leverages additive manufacturing technology to create sustainable microtimber out of discarded macadamia nut shells.
9 years ago+2 2 0Flying tricycle passes manned test flight with flying colors - SlashGear
What looks like a cross between a drone, a tricycle, and a Star Wars speeder bike from Endor? This insane ride hails from Hungary; it's dubbed the Flike
9 years ago+16 16 0Large Hadron Collider all fired up again
Experiments at double the energy of its first run
9 years ago+3 3 03 Relatively Unknown Open Source Web Browsers for Linux that Packs the Punch
Linux, Ubuntu & Android News, Reviews, Hacks!
9 years ago+9 9 0Data furnaces arrive in Europe: Free heating, if you have fibre Internet
Nerdalize is rolling out eRadiators in the Netherlands, providing 1000W of heat.
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9 years ago+15 15 0Insert witty introduction line here.
Well first off let me apologize for this introduction. Hopefully it won't hospitalize people with boredom, but here goes anyway. I ended up here by way of reddit a community I used to enjoy greatly but has lately been becoming greatly immature in my opinion. So someone pointed me to snapzu and here I am.