
Insert witty introduction line here.

Well first off let me apologize for this introduction. Hopefully it won't hospitalize people with boredom, but here goes anyway. I ended up here by way of reddit a community I used to enjoy greatly but has lately been becoming greatly immature in my opinion. So someone pointed me to snapzu and here I am.

9 years ago by kigurame with 7 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Welcome to snapzu! I think you will really like it here, it's still a fairly small community but we are getting stronger and more awesome every day :)

    • kigurame

      So far it really seems so. I must admit I'm still a bit in UI dazed and confused mode but the layout seems logical and as a added bonus I haven't had to dig trough 6 million joke posts for relevant comments. (Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good joke as much as anyone) Also let me state that i don't want to come over as a reddit basher it just doesn't seem to work for me personally any more . I'm impressed by the system to keep things balanced here i must say :)

  • Gozzin

    Welcome..Ah Reddit,the Digg wannabe.

  • mtnrg

    Welcome and Enjoy Your Stay

  • Nanotwerp

    Welcome, Kigurame! I, too, came from reddit. Snapzu has great potential, and I can see it easily exceeding reddit the more popular it gets. I just hope it doesn't get too popular. I've noticed that community-based websites don't go along to well with high popularity. The popularity sometimes makes it commercial and impersonal. It happened to Digg, and it happened to reddit, but I honestly don't see it happening to Snapzu. Anyway, Kigurame, I know you'll enjoy this website!

  • KittehWidget

    I was snapped up out of reddit land and brought to the Fu-land... a new adventure and hopefully more of what I seek in a community base. UI is new I agree, but so are most things that lead to a new virtualesq world. I hope to be able to make some good quality connections here and find somewhere I might fit in.

  • ulatek

    Glad your here, welcome!