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Everything about tech, if its not tech, its not for here. Simple!
The research tribe
If its got power running through it and its not a power tool or a machine, post it here!
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This tribe is all about sharing the most interesting stuff you find in life, be it life...
Web: The portal to the internet
Tribe: Science
Internet tribe: The technical side of the internet
Software drives the world. Join us.
The craziest shit on the net..
The scifi tribe
Webcomics: A place to talk about and share comics. Original content welcome!
The how-to tribe
A place to share stories, ask questions, and start conversations on anything!
Do it yourself (DIY) is building, modifying, or repairing something without the aid of experts or...
Games, TV, Sci-fi, Films, Science, Space and Tech. It's all about the love of the thing.
Live, learn, question...
News, apps, development, and everything else about the desktop and tablet versions of Windows 10!
Washington State, not Washington D.C.
It's broken ! Great now what ? Well that's what this tribe is for. Ask questions or post guides...