9 years ago
How Peanuts Changed the World
How did a little ground nut (that isn't a nut at all) become one of the most important foods on Earth?
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While an interesting article I am disappointed by the lack of information on George Washington Carver. He did more than anyone else to make peanuts profitable and useful with over 300 uses of the legume.
His only mention in this article "George Washington Carver, a former slave who became director of the Agriculture Department at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School in Tuskegee, Alabama, helped African-American farmers convert cotton fields into peanut fields."
List of his discoveries. http://www.tuskegee.edu/about_us/legacy_of_fame/george_w_carver/carver_peanut_products.aspx
Plus Boiled Peanuts are a southern tradition that are a staple of any road trip and should be given more due than feeding starving Confederate Soldiers. IMHO