How-to+1 +1
Recharge, Refresh, Renew: The Ultimate Self-Care & Well-Being Guide
We are living in a fast-paced world where nobody has enough time for anything, let alone for self-care.
+37 +1
How Can Writing Help With Self-Development?
Writing, when embraced as a daily practice, becomes a transformative force for self-improvement, mindfulness and sharing wisdom.
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New study links mindfulness meditation and psychedelic use to positive leadership outcomes at work
A recent study published in Frontiers in Psychology explores the potential positive impact of mindfulness meditation and psychedelic use on leadership development among business managers. The research highlights how both practices contribute to enhanced well-being, awareness, creativity, and interpersonal attitudes.
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Exercising in nature produces psychological benefits and measurable changes in brain activity
An experimental study found that exercising in the presence of nature — even virtual nature — offers psychological benefits compared to exercising without. The study, published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, further pinpointed areas of the brain that may be responsible for these effects.
+13 +2
Eight weeks of mindfulness training improves adolescents’ attentional control, study finds
A new study published in the Journal of Adolescence tested an 8-week mindfulness training program among a group of adolescent and adult females. The results revealed that both teens and adults showed improvements in reorienting their attention following mindfulness training.
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Top 10 productivity studies that will surprise you
Productivity has always been a significant problem in the constantly changing world. Sometimes, we need a little push in the right direction to get started. By learning and applying the right studies conducted by researchers, you’ll have a better chance of increasing your productivity.
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Breathing to Manage Your Stress - science and practice behind the powerful RSA breathing technique.
The role of the breath in meditation and stress management programs is well established. As a meditation strategy, focusing on the breath is primarily a tool for concentration, a place to focus the mind. As a stress management technique, slowing the breath, “belly breathing,” and focusing on the exhalation are all common (and effective) approaches to shifting the nervous system out of a state of hyperarousal.
+11 +1
If You Want To Enjoy Leisure Time, Don’t Think Of It As Wasteful
However you like to take time for yourself, from reading to hiking to playing video games, leisure time can be a vital way of relaxing, promoting good mental and physical health, boosting social relationships, and inducing happiness. But whether we fully experience those benefits, a new study suggests, may depend on the way we view leisure time itself.
+10 +1
How mindfulness could make you selfish
Mindfulness is said to do many things for our psyche: it can increase our self-control, sharpen our concentration, extend our working memory and boost our mental flexibility. With practice, we should become less emotionally reactive – allowing us to deal with our problems more calmly.
+18 +1
7 tips to live a happier life
Do you wake up feeling sluggish most mornings? Have caffeinated beverages become a necessity to help power you through the day? If this sounds familiar, it's time to ditch the quick fixes you rely on, and develop an energy management plan. Getting started may seem daunting, but soon you'll be energized to keep going once you reap the benefits of a happier, healthier and more productive lifestyle.
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How too much mindfulness can spike anxiety
Stress, anxiety, productivity: mindfulness is often touted as a solution to nearly everything. But research shows that you can actually take meditation too far.
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A wristband that tells your boss if you are unhappy
At first glance the silicone wristband could be mistaken for one that tracks your heart rate when you are doing exercise. However, the wearable technology, called a Moodbeam, isn't here to monitor your physical health. Instead it allows your employer to track your emotional state.
+3 +1
Mindfulness meditation may decrease impact of migraine
Migraine is a neurological disease that can be severely debilitating and is the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Unfortunately, many patients with migraine discontinue medications due to ineffectiveness or side effects. Many patients still use opioids despite recommendations against them for headache treatment.
+19 +1
The Easiest Buddhist Practice To Hammer Down Stress and Anxiety
Buddhism offers a toolbox of practices for living well. You have probably heard about breath meditation (ānāpānasmṛti), for example. But have you heard of “changing the peg?” While breath meditation is focused on uniting your conscious mind with an awareness of your own body, changing the peg is focused on altering the process of your thoughts themselves.
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The longest-living people in the world have these 9 things in common
In the US, the average life expectancy is 78 years. But there are a few places in the world—specifically Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Icaria, Greece—where living to be over 100 isn’t uncommon at all. In these regions, known as Blue Zones, the life expectancy isn’t just higher; centenarians are generally also healthy, their minds and bodies still working well.
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Middle age may be much more stressful now than in the 1990s
A new Penn State study found that life may be more stressful now than it was in the 1990s, especially for people between the ages of 45 and 64.
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New research indicates mindfulness meditation training can facilitate cognitive control
Mindfulness training might enhance cognitive control processes and the ability to overcome distractions, according to new research.
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One week of mindfulness training can reduce paranoia
A recent study found that practicing mindfulness, even over a short period, reduces feelings of paranoia. The study, which was published in Mindfulness, also showed which particular aspect of mindfulness is the one linked to predicting levels of paranoia.
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How a Healthy Workspace Can Transform Your Office Culture
Architects can design to improve employee wellness with creative solutions that can transform a workplace and revolutionize office culture.
+14 +1
How Technology (Yes, Technology!) Can Help You De-Stress
There’s a lot that can stress you out these days, but Tara Calishain has recommendations for web sites that can help you take the edge off.
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