Post Overview
8 years ago+3 3 0Gen Urobuchi and the Human Spirit
In Urobuchi’s worlds, it is not enough to eat and breathe and sleep. That might count as being alive, but it does not count as living.
8 years ago+11 11 0Immature Stargazer Lily in Volunteer Park (Seattle)
Lilium orientalis--thanks to AdelleChattre for the ID!
Text Post
8 years ago+10 10 0Did someone say, "verbal tomfoolery"?
1) "I can't believe I ate that whole pineapple!" Tom said, Dolefully.
2) "That's the last time I'll ever pet a lion," Tom said, offhandedly.
3) "I'll never sleep on the railroad tracks again!" Tom said, beside himself.
4) "That's the third electric shock I've gotten this week!" Tom said, revolted.
5) "I'm never anywhere on time," Tom related.
6) "I won't let a flat tire get me down," Tom said, without despair.
7) "That car you sold me has defective steering!" Tom said, straightforwardly.
8) "I've been on a diet," Tom expounded.
9) "I'll have to send that telegram again," Tom said, remorsefully.
10) "I keep banging my head on things," Tom said, bashfully.
11) "Look at that jailbird climb down that wall," Tom observed with condescension.
12) "I remember the Midwest being flatter than this," Tom explained.
13) "That's the third time my teacher changed my grade," Tom remarked.
14) "I'll have to dig another ditch around that castle," Tom sighed, remotely.
15) "I've lived through a lot of windstorms," Tom regaled.
16) "I haven't caught a fish all day!" Tom said, without debate.
17) "That mink coat is on wrong side out," Tom inferred.
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Current Event
8 years ago+7 7 0Parallels, ironies seen in protests of Dakota pipeline, Oregon refuge
Observers are noting the contrasts between the protests and treatment of mostly Native American citizens near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and heavily armed occupiers who held Malheur National Wildlife Refuge against the federal government.
Current Event
8 years ago+15 15 0Researchers orbit a muon around an atom, confirm physics is broken
"…the result suggested that there might be something wrong with our understanding of some basic physics. Theorists, naturally, responded with enthusiasm…"
Current Event
9 years ago+12 13 1Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump
If aggressive efforts to deny Mr. Trump the presidential nomination fail, the party leaders say they will try to field an independent candidate for the general election.
9 years ago+31 31 0John Cacioppo: ‘Loneliness is like an iceberg – it goes deeper than we can see’
Social neuroscientist John Cacioppo suggests loneliness is contagious and effects 26% of the population. The good news? It can be treated by changing how lonely people think about other people, by having them understand what happens when their brain ...
Current Event
9 years ago+76 76 0 x 1Scientists Detect Gravitational Waves, Proving Einstein Right
A team of physicists announced on Thursday that they had heard and recorded the sound of two black holes colliding a billion light-years away, a fleeting chirp that fulfilled the last prophecy of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
9 years ago+16 16 0Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern For Others And The Common Good Through College Admissions
Making Caring Common's report with recommendations for reducing achievement pressure and leveling the playing field in college admissions.
9 years ago+9 9 0[Spoilers!] Alternative Master/Servant Pairings in the Fate/verse
9 years ago+1 1 0‘Do What You Love’ Is Terrible Advice
The Atlantic interviews author Miya Tokumitsu about her insights into American work culture, the narcissistic drive to always be passionate about your work, and how employers are taking advantage of that.
9 years ago+20 20 0White Peruvian Lilies
Alstroemeria (unknown species) from my backyard
9 years ago+15 15 0Dappled Gardenias [OC]
Gardenia jasminoides from my backyard
Text Post
9 years ago+8 8 0[Site Functionality] A way to mark notifications as "read."
I would love a way for me to mark a notification as one I've already seen and responded to. I don't know how power-users are able to keep track of anything--after a day off and I have a bunch of comment replies etc., I can't keep track of which ones I've replied/attended to and which I haven't.
Or if someone has a better way to manage this, I'm all ears.
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9 years ago+1 1 0An owl would make an excellent interrogator.
Who? Who?! WHO?!
Text Post
9 years ago+5 6 1Can I set "My Tribes" as the default filter on the front page?
First, apologies if this isn't the best place for this post.
So I really like the front page ( layout more than I like the personalized news feed thing ( However, I don't like seeing snaps from tribes I'm not following/interested in. And yes, I know crossposting is a thing, but I often come across snaps where none of the posted tribes are on my list. I like the "My Tribes" filter, but it's slightly frustrating to have to keep remembering to hit that every time I go online. Is there some setting to switch it? Or am I SOL?
Current Event
9 years ago+6 6 0Iranian nuclear deal is reached: "[It is] not built on trust, it is built on verification"
VIENNA — Iran and a group of six nations led by the United States said they had reached a historic accord on Tuesday to significantly limit Tehran’s nuclear ability for more than a decade in return for lifting international oil and financial sanction ...
9 years ago+23 23 0Purple Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea)
by user Razabar on Pixabay
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0/t/BotanicalPics - a proud member of the Themed Pics Coalition!
Just a collection of beautiful botanical subjects--flowers, trees, even moss! Anything with chlorophyll is allowed in /t/BotanicalPics!
Also, check out the rest of the Themed Pics Coalition:
- /t/EarthPics - Earth and all it's majesty, now viewable indoors
- /t/WeatherPics - Beautiful pictures of clouds, storms, and other forces of nature!
- /t/StarshipPics - That's no moon...
- /t/SpacePics - Like /t/pics, but in SPACE!
Want to start your own Pics tribe? Feel free, just message me and other tribe chiefs to get your tribe crosslisted!
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Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Join the Themed Pics Coalition!
- /t/EarthPics - Earth and all it's majesty, now viewable indoors
- /t/WeatherPics - Beautiful pictures of clouds, storms, and other forces of nature!
- /t/StarshipPics - That's no moon...
- /t/SpacePics - Like /t/pics, but in SPACE!