
[Site Functionality] A way to mark notifications as "read."

I would love a way for me to mark a notification as one I've already seen and responded to. I don't know how power-users are able to keep track of anything--after a day off and I have a bunch of comment replies etc., I can't keep track of which ones I've replied/attended to and which I haven't.

Or if someone has a better way to manage this, I'm all ears.

9 years ago by ekyris with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    We will be working on a notifications management page that allows to view and mark the notifications that were responded to. This is obviously an expansion to the current slide down notification concept so it will take some time to introduce, however once introduced it will appear as a section tab in the "posts" area that is being introduced in the upcoming update.

  • Xeno (edited 9 years ago)

    I was thinking this too, maybe a Facebook-esque thing where the notification is highlighted until you've clicked on it.

  • aj0690

    Click on the little square envelope to the left of the username in your main PM list. Its a toggle, clicking on a read will make it unread and vice versa.

    • ekyris

      No no, I mean the Notification History box next to the search at the top of the page. PMs are fine. Unless that is what you're talking about and I'm being dense...

      • aj0690 (edited 9 years ago)

        Yeah I guess I wasn't thinking, the "responded to" threw me off. But I see now what you mean, and no I don't believe there is functionality for what you need at this point.