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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 9 Comments

Chicken factory farmer speaks out

After 22 years of raising chickens for Perdue, one brave factory farmer Craig Watts was at his breaking point and did something no one has done before. He invited us, as farm animal welfare advocates, to his farm to film and tell his story.

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  • geoleo

    People want to pay as little as possible for meat and food so this is what they get.

  • belangermira

    There is a simple solution for all of this: Eat Less Meat.

    • doodlegirl


    • drunkenninja

      Genetically modified and lab grown meet cant come soon enough, problem is, it needs to have the same texture and taste... otherwise its going to be a hard sell. If it meant that no animals were hurt in the process I would switch instantly.

  • bkmacdaddy

    I'm admittedly under-educated on the subject, but isn't "free range chicken" the solution? Or is that just a title that sounds better than "factory farming"?

    • drunkenninja

      Its the title that sounds better than factory farmed. A very misleading way of advertising the same thing.

      • bkmacdaddy

        Just added 2 related links from PETA that substantiate your comment. Thanks for sparking my education on the subject. (I think)

        • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

          I think the video did that, I merely confirmed your expectations. Glad to be of some small help nonetheless. BTW, thank you for the links, anything to shed more light on this is great.

  • dynamite

    You think this is bad, wait till you see clips from China

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