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10 years agoAchievement danbolen53
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations danbolen53 on this achievement!
+525 XP -
10 years agoAnalysis danbolen53
Where Did Ebola Come From?
Myths about Ebola's origins -- including some that hold that the virus was brought to African regions by health care workers -- have hurt the ability of workers to respond to the outbreak. But where did Ebola really come from?
10 years agoAnalysis danbolen53
Science trumps the Force to create a real-life lightsaber - CNET
Researchers from MIT and Harvard create a new form of matter and teach us all a lesson about the power of quantum friendship.
10 years agoAchievement danbolen53
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations danbolen53 on this achievement!
+525 XP -
10 years agoLevel Up danbolen53
Level 2
danbolen53 is now level 2 with 1,030 XP.
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10 years agoAnalysis danbolen53
Physicists teleport quantum state of photon to crystal over 25 kilometers
Physicists have succeeded in teleporting the quantum state of a photon to a crystal over 25 kilometers of optical fiber. The experiment constitutes a first, and simply pulverizes the previous record of 6 kilometers achieved ten years ago by the same team. Passing from light into matter, using teleportation of a photon to a crystal, shows that, in quantum physics, it is not the composition of a particle which is important, but rather its state, since this can exist and persist outside such...
10 years agoAnalysis danbolen53
Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today
A pediatric occupational therapist says schools keep kids in their chairs far too long.