
Followed by 309 users:
AdelleChattre 50

“I believe in optimism and lots of white paint.” — Summer Glau

50 99.5% 12,844 3,402 181,102 92
50 99.5% 4,371 1,526 24,379 77
48 99.4% 2,952 1,386 112,978 85
Maternitus 46

Under the radar alchemyst.

46 99.3% 1,214 1,396 41,572 63
43 99.1% 1,710 624 32,409 60
42 99.5% 1,894 125 17,400 62
imokruok 41

inhale 2 puffs into lungs every 4 hours as needed for cough/wheezing

41 99.5% 1,395 452 11,852 69
40 97.0% 784 473 54,903 54
39 98.7% 657 114 40,245 57
37 99.3% 841 391 11,209 61
36 98.4% 1,066 282 25,307 52
35 97.7% 828 714 7,280 49
sashinator 32

“Learning is not mere imitation or ability to accumulate and conform to fixed knowledge. Learning is a constant process of discovery and never a concluding one. Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own”

32 92.4% 235 509 2,102 50
31 93.9% 639 318 4,771 49
b1ackbird 29

"No one can communicate a truth worth knowing; the only worthwhile truth is the one you find uniquely, for your own life." - Norman Fischer of the Every Day Zen Foundation

29 91.0% 250 363 5,995 46
29 93.8% 448 345 3,278 51
23 88.0% 200 96 6,105 39
DokterDuke 22

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real. No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

22 85.9% 175 45 2,460 35
LacquerCritic 21

Slowly figuring out how to website

21 83.8% 93 281 1,532 33
21 86.0% 173 58 3,629 32
steverodriguez 20

Steve Rodrizz

20 76.9% 0 25 504 23
19 83.5% 55 118 978 31
18 80.1% 121 47 5,063 32
17 77.9% 26 135 490 25
17 73.0% 8 118 794 19
Vera 16

Snapzu Is this where the Grown-Ups are?

16 78.7% 64 109 501 25
14 72.6% 19 77 979 21
Saffire 12

~~~ Saffire Saffire Saffire Saffire ~~~

12 71.5% 41 86 830 15
amar771 11

11 67.9% 37 21 174 12
blahblahgabor 11

In dealing with others, know how to be gentle and kind.

11 70.6% 54 52 297 13