Post Overview
9 years ago+35 35 0The Bark’s DIY First Place Winner
If you love RVs, dogs, and woodworking then you have to read this:
9 years ago+22 22 0Melting ice in west Antarctica could raise seas by three metres, warns study
Nasa research finds ice in the region has gone into ‘irreversible retreat’ and claims effect is ‘unstoppable’
9 years agoAnalysis+19 19 0In a six-month period, 70% of detached homes sold in Vancouver's west side went to Mainland China buyers
Even more stunning, the study shows that of all declared occupations of owners — on homes worth an average $3.05M — 36% were housewives or students with little income
Current Event
9 years ago+21 21 0First 'KFC' to open in Iran shut down after just 24 hours
A KFC-branded fried chicken restaurant that opened its doors Sunday night in Iran's capital city of Tehran was shut down after just one day in operation.
9 years ago+23 23 0Red Rocks Canyon State Park
I've been traveling so haven't posted here much lately - here's one of the neat places I've been
9 years ago+34 34 0Wright's Beach | Chinookers Journey
At last I've got some free time to catch up on blog posts, check on what's going on in the world, and take care of a few chores - we've been super busy spending time with Tiffany; also when we took a trip to Wright's Beach on the ...
9 years ago+3 4 1A World Without Cancer (and Obesity)
Before driving cross-country a few weeks ago, I happened to see that Amazon now offers free audio narration with many of their Kindle books that are part of their Kindle Unlimited program. The first book I tried out was simply mind-blowing—Dr. Marga ...
9 years ago+26 26 0The Future Of Travel
9 years ago+22 22 0Winnie Views: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Getting Cancer
For the final day of September’s Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month and #GynCAN, I thought I’d share some of the most important things I’ve learned from my journey with endometrial (uterine) cancer this year. Share this with the women you love—aware ...
9 years agoImage+16 16 0This morning's breakfast treat
Waffles, cream cheese, kiwi, strawberries - yum!
9 years ago+51 52 1 x 1Snowden just joined Twitter. Guess who his first follow is.
Hint: It's someone who might be following him already.
9 years ago+42 42 0 x 2Tesla Will Have A 600-Mile Range Vehicle In Two Years
By 2017, Tesla is going to have a vehicle with a 600-mile range on the market. One of the primary issues with the Tesla Model S is that it can only go a couple hundred miles before requiring a charge. This new model will address that problem. Elon Mu ...
Current Event
9 years ago+6 7 1New Zealand to create giant marine sanctuary
Waters north of New Zealand will become one of the world's largest ocean sanctuaries, covering an area roughly the size of France, with a full ban on fishing and mining
9 years ago+8 8 0Morro Bay ... Chinookers Journey Continues
9 years ago+28 28 0Portable Wind Turbine Blows Everyone Away On Kickstarter, Raising Almost Entire Goal In A Day
Trinity is a second-generation, waterproof, portable wind turbine that will let you generate power on the go. The Kickstarter met its funding goal in just over one day, with the new 50, 400, 1,000 and 2,500W models to be delivered in 2016; the smalle ...
9 years ago+19 19 0What Climate Change Looks Like From the Arctic's Edge
For decades, the Churchill Northern Studies Centre has been on the front lines of climate-related science and public education in Canada’s north.
9 years ago+23 23 0On The Road Again ... Chinookers Journey Continues :)
It seems like a lifetime since we put the Chinook in for repair, and oh so good to finally have it back! We're heading north for a brief shake down trip to make sure everything works as it should.
9 years ago+22 22 0Tool Review VamPLIERS for Stripped Screws
9 years ago+3 4 1Get Peanutized | Turn Yourself into a Peanuts Character
Creating your own Peanuts avatar is easy! Choose your character’s gender, hair, clothes, accessories and more to make your very own Peanutized persona, then share it with the world.
Current Event
9 years ago+37 37 0 x 1Woman, 91, Charged Over 260,000 Deaths At Auschwitz
A 91-year-old woman has been charged with 260,000 counts of accessory to murder over allegations she was part of the Nazi SS serving in the Auschwitz death camp.