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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    I think the DNC has no choice but to reflect on it's actions. Clearly the members failed to understand the changing demands of their voter base and the election results reflect that. Hillary is a very faulty person no doubt, but she lost to caricature of a man with low intellect that spends too much time on Twitter and Facebook bullying his critics and calling women fat. This HAS to tell the DNC something. I am hopeful still. Trump's win is an alcoholic America hitting rock bottom. After this candidate, America will be going to AA.

    Posted in: It Wasn’t the Russians

  • 8 years ago
    Achievement SandrasReality

    Rock Star

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    I'm going to watch this movie tonight! I didn't even care for it until you mentioned this PEN issue, but since my boyfriend insists that we go, I intend to point out every time a PEN shows up. Maybe this will get me uninvited from the next Marvel flick.

    Posted in: Just Saw Rouge One...

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    It's depressing that due to the lack of education in Geography, many Americans are probably wondering if a Chilean is a a new species of undiscovered chili pepper.

  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Thanks Appaloosa! Let's face it, humor is just a way to keep from crying. Sometimes it fails.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Thanks for the awesome welcome CrookedTale! Honestly, the Mormon are such a sensitive peoples. Have you ever had a Scientologist try to convert you though? If you are going to ask about magic underwear, they probably have an answer for you.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    I'm not ready to be a tribe leader hahaa! Still figuring out how this works!

  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement SandrasReality

    Eagle Eye

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Thanks jcscher! I've enjoyed reading some of the insightful articles you've been posting.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Thank you drunkenninja! I look forward to reading some of your posts.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    I forgot that Snowden had found long-term asylum in Russia. It should be interesting to see if Trump tries to make an arrangement to have him extradited to the United States. I can imagine that hackers are itching to take down the Trump administration and Snowden is their poster-child.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Oil pulling is the latest ridiculous trend in detoxing. I have a few friends in the hippie/yoga/gluten-free trend that are swishing coconut oil to detox. Their proof that it's detoxing is : "When you spit out the oil after swooshing it in your mouth, it comes out all cloudy! Those are the toxins." No you fruitcake, that's a mix of saliva, food particles and air bubbles that is making the oil cloudy. If you swish water in your mouth it will also come out cloudy. Toxins accumulate in your tissue and don't take a magical elevator into your mouth that is activated by oil swishing. That's not how the body...or physics works!!! Oil is a non-polar molecule. This means that the charges cancel out so it has a neutral charge and doesn't attract other molecules. If a "toxin" has a charge, then it is attracted to other charged molecules like water.

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  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement SandrasReality

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations SandrasReality on this achievement!

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    My ex-father in law was a successful entrepreneur that built a successful film distribution company in Latin America. His children grew up up going to private school and very privileged. One of them calls his dad a selfish bastard as he asks for money so he can live the life of a "starving" artist in Buenos Aires, and the other had the gall to ask his dad for his inheritance. Since the dad was a workaholic, he showed his kids affection by buying them whatever they wanted instead of teaching them the value of hard work and appreciation. My husband on the other hand never asked his dad for money because he was embarrassed by his brother's behavior. His dad is a very likable and charismatic man and it's horrible that his kids are basically holding their breath until the man dies. There is only so much you can do as a parent to instill values in your child. By giving his kids everything he never had growing up poor, the dad failed to teach them grit, hard work and appreciation . Hindsight is 20/20. At some point you the parents stop being responsible for their children's selfish nature. Sometimes selfish narcissistic parents end up having loving and sensitive children.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Looks like Jabba the Hutt.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    How can the Syrian army be so callous! By destroying it's country's architectural and artistic legacy it's eliminating traces of it's own past and cultural identity. Not to mention the innocent lives that are lost beneath the rubble! These are some powerful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Hahaaa! This is hilarious!

    Posted in: A blonde guy joke

  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    I've been worried about taking medication my whole life. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I exercise regularly and for years I tried holistic methods of dealing with ADHD. Trust me, I was and continue to be extremely worried about the addictive properties of the medication. However, I have no qualms about admitting I take Adderall. It was a very personal and painstaking decision that took me years to make. As the posting mentions, I read a lot about the pros and cons of medication and informed myself thoroughly on the issue. I can't tell you what a relief it has been. I enjoy being able to ignore small distractions so that I can get things done. For so long it has felt that I was rowing against a great sticky current which caused me to have great bouts of anxiety and depression. I suppose I could just take anti-depressants but my depression was caused by my feelings of uselessness. Currently, I am combining the use of medication with mindful meditation which also has been shown to improve focus. I don't know what the future will hold, but I can't deny that the medication has helped me tremendously.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    This article is very interesting! I would have to disagree with the author and say that memory is THE foundation of personal identity. Moral character can change with time and with experiences. Don't get me wrong, memory is dynamic too, but our own experiences and memories of them inform our moral code.

  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Comment SandrasReality

    Thank you gladsdotter! I was just reading the link you posted on Parkinson's. Very good read!

  • 8 years ago
    Text Post SandrasReality

    A case for ADHD/ADD diagnosis

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