Post Overview
9 years ago+12 12 0Clintons have made more than $25 million for speaking since January 2014
Marco Rubio reports a far more modest financial portfolio and at least &u0024;450,000 in mortgage debt.
9 years ago+19 19 0Toby the Destroyer
Text Post
9 years ago+10 10 0Many snaps sound spammy or clickbaity
Am I the only one who feels that a lot of the snaps on the front page (new) feel really spammy or clickbaity? I understand a lot of people want to gain exp quickly, but I don't think mass posting every article you find on the internet is the best way to do it. Just my 2 cents though, anyone have any other opinions?
9 years ago+13 13 0How Trauma Shapes The World We Know
Commentator Alva Noë takes a look at a new study showing that PTSD sufferers experience the presence of real threats the rest of us cannot see.
9 years ago+9 10 1Idiots with a death wish light Mortar Shell in Garage to celebrate Independence Day.
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves, contain itself?
Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves, contain itself?
9 years ago+12 12 0Man Turns Own Pacemaker Off
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9 years ago+47 47 0FAQ for New Members
Since there is a large influx of members, I thought I would make a quick FAQ/Advice post
Q: Is X feature available? [Mostly used by people looking for RES functionality]
A: Probably not, however, the admins are paying attention to all the threads posted in /t/ideasforsnapzu , and will likely get to adding them fairly quickly. There is already a patch in the works that will add a lot of functionality.
Q: What is EXP, and why do we have it.
A: EXP is a system that slowly gates features while you learn the site. Its benefits are multifold, preventing trolling/abuse of downvotes, and encouraging people to become more involved with their profile. All of the main features of the site are accessable without leveling however.
Q: Are tribes different than subreddits?
A: Yes, they act as separate forums and tags. You can post a snap to multiple tribes, and the number of tribes you can post to at once goes up with level.
Q: Are upvotes and downvotes the same as on other sites?
A: No. Other sites see downvoting used as a way to signal disagreement or dislike of a post. Here however, downvotes aren't used unless the post is offensive or improper.
Q: I have an idea for the site, where can I put it so the admins will see it?
A: /t/ideasforsnapzu is the tribe for any ideas, bugs, or concerns about the site.
Q: What's the general rule with reposts?
A: Snaps that share the exact same url need to be avoided. This can be accomplished by adding more than one tribe to the original post. If the OP of that post hasn't added the other tribe, ask them to edit and include it. Users can cross-post when submitting links (how many tribes at once depends on the OP's level). Content that is the same old thing, again and again, regardless of the url, isn't prohibited, just frowned upon. Don't think you can just post everything old as new again. The community will have seen it already and will pass on upvoting it.
Q: How Do you set your snap category?
A: When you submit a post, on the right hand side, there will be a drop down menu labeled category. If you click that, you can see the various categories that you can post your snap under. If you don't set the category however, you cannot go back and edit it.
Q: How do you create a tribe?
A: Click your avatar in the Snapbar (the topbar), then click Tribe Memberships. On the right hand side of that page, you will see a grey button with the text Create Tribe. Click it, fill out the text boxes and accept the responsibilities of creating a tribe, and voila, one new tribe!
Q: How do you PM someone?
A: First you must follow the person you are trying to PM. After you do that, refresh their profile page, and you will see a Private Message button. Click it and you can send them a PM. They don't have to follow you to respond, and if you unfollow them after sending the initial PM, you can still keep corresponding.
Q: How does the leveling system work?
A: Details about the leveling system can be found here:
Q: How do I reclaim an abandoned tribe?
A: Make a post in /t/reclaimtribe, or send a message to /Snapzuteam
There are a number of stickies posted site-wide that are there to help new users. I highly advise reading them as they answer a number of questions. If you'd like to chat with people who can help the IRC info is at /t/IRC, and there is almost always someone there to help.
If anyone has any additional questions they'd like added, let me know, and I'll answer them in the topic. Welcome to Snapzu, and enjoy yourselves!
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Text Post
9 years ago-2 1 3The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse ...
You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not commit adultery", and "Thou shalt not bear false witness" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment!
9 years ago+11 11 0NSFW Man after severe radiation exposure [NSFL]
He survived 83 days in a medically induced coma. I personally think this is a good example of why we need more research into radiation injuries.
9 years ago+7 7 0You Seem Upset. Let’s Talk. Maybe About What Digg’s Been Working On?
Looks like Digg is getting its Diggs in on Reddit.
0 comment(s) via -
Current Event
9 years ago+52 52 0 x 1Ellen Pao talks to the NYT before Reddit
Apparently, despite 83k people signing a petition asking her to step down, its only a "vocal minority" that has a problem with how reddit is run.
9 years ago+11 11 0Printing Skin Cells on Burn Wounds
Skin is the body's largest organ. Loss of the skin barrier results in fluid and heat loss and the risk of infection. The traditional treatment for deep burns is to cover them with healthy skin harvested from another part of the body. But in case ...
9 years ago+12 13 1Hogan's Heroes - I See Nothing!
Classic TV show that more people should see.
I have no words for how awesome this is. Turn down your volume down a bit.
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9 years ago+8 8 0Telling me my problems are all in my head is like me telling you your broken bone is all in your arm.
Telling me my problems are all in my head is like me telling you your broken bone is all in your arm.
9 years ago+10 10 0 x 1NSFW Femoral Head Dislocated to the Scrotum No Avascular Necrosis, PT eventually made full recovery.
Text Post
9 years ago+1 1 0Basic Rules
Hello, and welcome to /t/Trauma! Before you post your images or videos, a few basic rules must be gone over:
1) Any images or videos of trauma are allowed, however, they must be HIPAA compliant, and MUST HAVE the NSFW tag on it. Any graphic images that are not flagged as NSFW will be removed.
2) If you are a medical professional, please feel free to identify yourself as such, and let the staff know, as soon as there is some way for us to differentiate between users, we will use that to identify you.
3) Please keep all comments constructive and educational.
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9 years ago+3 3 0Fireworks are like depth charges for birds.
Fireworks are like depth charges for birds.
9 years ago+6 7 1My battlestation
i7 3770k OC'd to 4.5ghz 32GB Ram MSI GTX 980 6.1 TB HD space