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NSFW Published 9 years ago by MadMonk with 6 Comments

Man after severe radiation exposure [NSFL]

He survived 83 days in a medically induced coma. I personally think this is a good example of why we need more research into radiation injuries.

  • Hiroshi Ouchi after his skin fell off due to radiation destroying his chromosomes, Hiroshi Ouchi after his skin fell off due to radiation destroying his chromosomes,

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  • double2

    TIL clicking comments makes you see the image D:

  • imakestuffgood

    I read an article on this I think there is a book too. Apparently he was kept alive against his will for three months while he deteriorated. Horrible way to go :/

    • MadMonk (edited 9 years ago)

      He didn't really have a say in it as far as I know since he was put in a medically induced coma pretty quickly.

      • imakestuffgood

        At least he was in a comma, I hope he wasn't aware of what was going on.

  • Ladysfi

    Holy crap. Don't keep me alive through that.

    • geefunk

      I would have to agree. That's no life worth living, especially since it seems like the chance for recovery is slim.

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