
drunkenninja 50

Technology, Futurism and Science enthusiast from Vancouver, B.C

50 99.4% 6,463 9,475 275,573 86
50 99.5% 8,657 554 131,419 74
Gozzin 50

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50 99.5% 1,862 10,187 37,091 67
50 99.5% 5,604 2,942 66,324 91
50 99.5% 6,199 569 100,499 74
48 99.4% 2,952 1,386 112,978 85
47 99.5% 3,175 182 17,827 56
47 99.3% 3,842 140 63,138 58
46 99.2% 2,754 645 65,158 63
46 99.3% 3,546 38 55,872 52
39 99.3% 1,502 183 27,457 55
31 97.9% 182 68 7,610 37
30 85.8% 918 224 4,682 51
25 89.9% 552 0 2,390 25
10 69.9% 43 16 200 9