Post Overview
7 years ago+10 10 0Light
A new edit of an old picture from 2008 taken at the open air museum called Frilandsmuseet in Denmark.
7 years ago+9 9 0P A S T
Normally all the nuts falls of the hazel bush or birds/squirrel eat them, but this one is still there - possibly eaten from the inside by insects.
7 years ago+16 16 0Sex
From the first time I laid eyes on one of these small butterflies I was captured. So small and beautiful and for years I never even knew they existed. Taking a photo of a pair having sex is not the easiest task. First finding the. Then getting close ...
7 years ago+21 21 0A B O V E
A photo taken from above while the dragonfly was hovering.
7 years ago+20 20 0NGOD
Soon the Roskilde Airshow 2017 will be held. This is a photo from the 2015 event.
7 years ago+21 21 0Floatingheart
I was on a trip today where I found these floatinghearts. In the area are also wine ranks so I was thinking about France and Monet which inspired me to do something artistic with the photo - this is the result. I hope you like it :-)
7 years ago+11 11 0Raptor
Birds of prey have a very focused expression. Fabulous animals.
7 years ago+21 21 0Happy
The little flower seems happy and there is also plenty to be happy about. It is a very seldom flower in Denmark, but the spread of bee orchid, as it is called, in the area where I found it is increasing :-)
7 years ago+14 14 0Edible
The edible frog is perhaps an appropriate name in some countries, but in Denmark it is called green frog and is on the list of conservation of species.
7 years ago+6 6 0Favorite
I found one of my favorite flowers today. Small and humble but nevertheless beautiful.
7 years ago+13 13 0Here
Last year they were a little further in the beginning of May. The April weather must have set them a little back, but now they are here :-)
7 years ago+12 12 0End of time
Are we at the end of time? World peace seems to be threatened. The Planet seems to be threatened by global warming. Or is it only end of time for the hour glass? Big and small questions. Serious and not so much.
7 years ago+5 5 0End
The end is near for this season of flowers in the forest. Soon the trees will take over and form a darkness at the floor of the forest.
7 years ago+19 19 0Forest
Things are really started happening in the forest :-) M o r e pictures on my site.
8 years ago+12 12 0Tomb
This old passage tomb - or what is left of it - stands tall on a small grass hill as an island in the sea of rapeseed flowers.
8 years ago+14 14 0Yes
Spring is on :-D
8 years ago+12 12 0Large skipper
Again a new edition of an old photo. I hope to get out in the week-end to take some photos - it has been a while - but unfortunately it is a little early for the butterflies, so it will have to be other motives.
8 years ago+21 21 0Blue
A photo from 2015 with a motive I look forward to be able to shot again. Hopefully the weekend will bring some photo options even though it will not be this kind of motives :-)
8 years ago+7 7 0Star
I went to the Botanical Garden in Copenhagen to test out my new camera and lens - it turned out to work quite good, so I am looking forward to be using it a lot more :-)
8 years ago+11 11 0Food
A starling with food for the kids.