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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Hmm, stuck between 2. Becoming a Freemason was a lifelong goal of mine so doing that has been incredible and I still love being one to this day. On another note when I was younger I used LSD therapy to cure my depression, it worked, and within the time frame of 12 hours I went from manic depressive to normal happy human and havn't gone back to that bad place since.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    I'm here to reveal that it is in fact, the 3rd one, that is the lie. I am indeed a Mason (Royal Victoria Lodge 1013) and I do in fact own part of a private gentleman's club in Liverpool known as the Athenaeum.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar


    Posted in: [Feature] Emoticons

  • 9 years ago
    Status Update Iscalar

    I agree with you bogdan, while I personally like having some religious sentiment due to past experiences, I feel the only true logical choice is agnosticism because there is no way we can prove if there is, or isn't, a/many god/s, although it is my personal belief that if such a being exists, that they are by no means perfect, but just a different kind of life form of a higher evolution/intelligence than ours.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Computer scientist myself and I have to say excessive use of tacky emoticons is my guilty pleasure :D ^-^ :P

    Posted in: [Feature] Emoticons

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Which may not happen, so on the off chance that it doesn't, I will reveal tomorrow :)

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Iscalar

    Level 4

    Iscalar is now level 4 with 6,010 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Iscalar

    Rock Star

    Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations Iscalar on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    I will reveal after 2 more people have guessed =)

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Hell yes, as a computer scientist I fully support that idea.

    Posted in: [Feature] Emoticons

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement Iscalar

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations Iscalar on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Hey wait a minute . . . you look familiar. You remind me of this guy but he doesn't wear glasses so obviously it couldn't be him.

    Posted in: [Feature] Emoticons

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    That makes sense, but how about enabling it as a option specific to tribes. That way places for serious discussion can be emoticon free and those for the more lighthearted conversations could be, as you say "Like Disneyland." It is the land of magic after all :P

    Posted in: [Feature] Emoticons

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    But only when you're sleeping.

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Iscalar

    [Feature] Emoticons

    20 comments in posted into

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Can I just say, love the hidden Dexter reference there! :P

    Posted in: Snapzu Terms of Use

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Oky dokey so here we go.

    Location : England, Liverpool. Interests and hobbies. :Legitimately everything, it's very easy to grab my attention, arn't things fun! 5 Music artists : Pink floyd, muse, Beatles, Will-I-Am and ACDC 5 Films : Waking life, Alice in wonderland <3, The lion the witch and the wardrobe, Star wars and Harry Potter. 5 shows : Game of thrones, Daredevil, Breaking bad, Archer and It's always sunny in Philadelphia. 5 games : Final fantasy, Eve online, Diablo, Every moba ever and MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT! (Que theme song.) 5 books/authors. : Cosmic trigger, Illiminatus, Ruin, Morals and Dogma, Through the looking glass and the Book of Lies. Favourate tribes : Oooh I don't know, I havn't explored yet, I'll come back to that one! A goal of mine : To be a Millionaire by the time I am 30, or have a PHD by that time. Two truths and a lie. : I used LSD a few years ago therapy to cure depression, I'm a freemason who owns part of a private gentlemans club, I own the worlds largest collection of vintage candy bar wrappers.

    Have fun everybody!

    show moreshow less
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Nice to meet you sea ^-^ Welcome.

    Posted in: The Big Hello Thread.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    From England too! Awesome.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    The grand and jolly England, now everybody have an upvote!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    Ooh, I have 4 noticeable scars all with a little story to themselves.

    My first, is a very small scar next to the corner of my right eye, when I was a child I was a notorious biscuit bandit, especially loving chocolate digestives, which my mother would store out of reach from myself. One day I dared climbed my personal mount everest at the humble age of 4, climbing on all the kitchen surfaces to get to the delicious treats awaiting on top. Unfortunately as I grabbed them I slipped, and on the way to the crash on the floor happened to split my eye on a (Ironically.) Child safety lock device meant to keep the fridge closed from me (As I had a habit of leaving it open.) A few millimeters to the left and I would have a blinded right eye. Kids eye.

    My second, an appendicitis scar, an interesting but bit saddening a story seeing as I went in for my operation on September the 10th 2001 night time, after waking up the next day to the news with no context and everybody watching, I was quickly hushed by my embarrassed mother after I asked "What movie are we watching?" who didn't even realize that her baby had just woken up from a major operation due to the obvious horrible events partaking on the screen in front of her.

    My third, A large oval shaped scar on the joint of my right elbow, caused by running to fast as a kid, falling, skidding and grazing all the skin off, this one is my personal favourate because I got to meet a nice lady in the staff area in tesco with my older sister (Who was looking after me.) who bandaged it up, and gave me a free toy story cup and some black currant juice to calm me down, wonder where that cup has gotten to today. Also for a few years after it would go excessively bright pink after water contact, no idea why, but I found it amusing.

    And Finally, A small scar on my left left just above the knee were some 13 year old stabbed me with a screwdriver when I was about 11 because I had built a "Base" in the woods near our place (Some bits of wood to make rudimentary shelter for me and my friends to play in, kid stuff.) He didn't like that I didn't want him to come in because he was known to be ... well . . . an asshole. He them set out to prove to me he wasn't an asshole by violently stabbing me, I think I was right in my judgement.

    And that's them all ^-^ Scars are funky man.

    show moreshow less
  • 9 years ago
    Comment Iscalar

    A very interesting article, while I believe that phones promote communication in and of themselves, the professors methods, and his glee at "Letting the students get bored." was a really interesting concept, thanks for the share! ^-^

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Text Post Iscalar

    The Big Hello Thread.

    2 comments in posted into