• Misanthropist

    We should applaud reddit reviewing their content policy. (Assuming they shut down offensive/obscene/"reprehensible" content)"

    Problem is, everyone's definition of offensive/obscene/"reprehensible" content is different. Where do you draw the line?

    • NotWearingPants

      Exactly. If the content is legal, let the weirdos who like to do their weirdo things stay in their own little corner. Reddit's problem is that the professionally offended crowd don't want things they don't like to even exist.

      Are you going to censor /atheism because it offends /christians?

      /liberal because /conservative doesn't like it?

      Who draws the lines? Is only "popular" content going to be allowed? Good luck with that.

      This upcoming AMA may make the Jesse Jackson one look like a puff piece.

      • eikonoklastes

        It's sad that I still get this semi-obscure Reddit reference.

        The beauty of those rules is their renewed ambiguity. They can still do what the fuck they want. Basically nothing says "change," it's just reworded. They can just sit on the new rules until something comes along they don't like or too many users whine about. Then suddenly it falls under the new rules. Calling it now.

    • redalastor

      It's reddit, they'll draw it around SRS no matter what...

      • FurtWigglepants

        I'm pretty sure they've been on the down low since this whole thing started.

    • sarcasimo

      It's a slippery slope, which is the whole issue with any kind of content filtering/censoring system. There is no easy answer, because everyone has different thresholds as to what they find inappropriate.

      I think the best that they can do is establish their own guidelines, make them clear, and apply them equally across the entire site.