GreatMightyPoo's feed

  • 1 year ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Same here. First time I logged on in years. Felt bad because I had tribes I just let lay stagnate so I renounced them so others can take over.

  • 1 year ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    I've had this account but have been inactive for years. All this garbage the Reddit admins are stirring up had me dust off this account. I honestly believe this might possibly be Reddit's "Digg v4" moment. As for why people just don't jump to Snapzu or another alternative, it's probably the same reason Reddit might just still weather this controversy like it's weathered the others. It's just too big and it's userbase is too fractured into it's own well estabilished communities. If people merely stick to their few subs then they can justify not caring about the rest of the site. It's why when Reddit introduced more stringent content policies, most subs where said policies wouldn't effect them could remain apathetic. The ones that did care were ones that toed the line of what is acceptable (incel subs, red pill subs, political subs that devolved too far, etc). 99% of subreddits don't toe that line. This API thing though will effect a whole lot of users in general, not just subs of specific content so it will hit them harder. While it will probably cause a bigger outcry than all other of Reddit's controversies, people would rather deal with it and stick with their established communities rather than rebuild elsewhere.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    I blanket block ads and only white-list on a case by case basis. Malicious ads (especially of the flash variety) have ruined it for the online advertising revenue model. I no longer trust advertising networks.

    Want me to unblock ads on your site? Then quite simply ask me to. Nicely. That last part is important because if I see the adblock message calling me an ass for blocking ads, I'm just going to block that entire frame and not see it.

    Linux Tech Tips did ads another way that I liked as well. They got their own sponsors and gave them a blurb at the end of the videos. Even if I could block those, I wouldn't because 1, they're entertaining; 2, they're usually very relevant to the content; and 3, very non-intrusive. Sites could do a similar thing by actually getting their own sponsors and putting up ads hosted on their own domain. Chances are it won't be on the black list, and I won't bother blocking it. Also they could control the ad and how it effects their users. Much better than giving an entire side of your site to an ad network to put whatever the hell they want up.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    About time. Flash really really needs to die.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Another reason why I'm becoming more and more wary when it comes to funding games on kickstarter and via early access. Just no accountability when they pull stuff like this. From what I hear, WiiU users where a huge part of their kickstarter funding and now they just gave them all the middle finger. Here's another company who's games I will never buy again.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement GreatMightyPoo

    Media Mogul

    Published 10/10 current event snaps! Congratulations GreatMightyPoo on this achievement!

    +7095 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Current Event GreatMightyPoo

    Project CARS Studio Head "Really Dislikes Nintendo Users"

    Project CARS gets more heat that most third-party developers from Nintendo fans. Developer Slightly Mad Studios is not blameless in the matter -- they initially promised a Wii U version of the game...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    I agree and instead of downvote have a report button. If the downvote button is to remove content that adds nothing to the discussion then those comments should probably be removed anyway. People are less likely to report posts if someone else has to read them (the mods) and sees who did the reporting. Therefore it would only be used when a post does have to be removed.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Sorry to hear that, wish you the best. I'm sure someone will step up and help run the tribe so don't worry about that. Your health is more important to take care of yourself.

    Posted in: I am resigning.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    My stance, as it always has been, is that modding is the gaming equivalent of fan fiction. Derivative works that people spend time making out of their mutual love of the original work. You don't see fan fiction writers clamoring to get paid because the notion is absurd. And this connect between the two leads to my problem with this statment:

    "I think that we feel like there is a case to be made that people who spend a lot of time working on mods ought to be able to have a way of monetizing what they're doing."

    You know, if a fanfiction writer wants to make money doing what they're doing they become a professional writer. Similarly, if a modder wants to make money doing what they do, they become a game developer, designer, ect.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up GreatMightyPoo

    Level 12

    GreatMightyPoo is now level 12 with 90,125 XP.

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    • Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 9.
    • Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 80.
  • 9 years ago
    Achievement GreatMightyPoo

    Trend Setter

    Have 2/2 snaps reach the maximum grid size on the front page grid view! Congratulations GreatMightyPoo on this achievement!

    +3230 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Analysis GreatMightyPoo

    Bethesda Talks Skyrim's Paid Mods Controversy

    We talk with Bethesda marketing exec Pete Hines about The Elder Scrolls V's failed system and whether or not it might return.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    The US uses metric where it counts, like science and whatnot. It's not something that bothers me when it comes to everyday use.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    As the community grows there's going to be those who abuse the downvote button; no getting around that. As long as the majority do use it correctly the upvotes should make the few abusers insignificant. So what, 2 or 3 people downvoted your submisison. Look at the other side, 51 people upvoted it. The community has spoken and those 3 downvotes mean nothing.

    EDIT: I have a suggestion though, how about making upvotes and downvotes public? Like you can click on the number and it will give you a list of the usernames who up or downvoted a submission.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Yes but I would wager he's practically unhireable now as a CEO considering the things he's said about his former employer and coworkers.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Pao and her husband's shady past were enough for me to not want her as CEO. So I don't apologize for that. But yeah, I agree about the communication. So much speculation that people are throwing around as fact on Reddit all because the admins don't want to be upfront.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    You can express yourself any way you like. However, when you're engaged in discourse with someone it's better to take into account your audience, ie the one you're speaking to. After all, whats the point of talking with someone if the way you speak to them shuts them down to further discussion?

    For example, a religious person and a non-religious person are speaking. The non-religious guy just outright says he thinks all religions are fairy tails and all religious people are nut jobs. Or conversely the religious guys says that all godless people are without morals and are going to hell. This shuts down the other person to further discussion because they feel there's no need or use talking with this person any further. Either because they've come off as insulting, aggressive, or just outright disrespectful.

    Even though both people spoke what they believed and felt and expressed themselves how they wanted, absolutely nothing meaningful or insightful came of their "discussion." I've seen religious and non-religious people who probably held those very beliefs have very insightful and interesting conversation because they took into account the person they were speaking to.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Guy starts a kickstarter for awesome dinosaur game. Gets funded, and releases barebones Early Access version which other people proceed to buy. Absolutely vanishes and development stops. Reaches a head when the artist leaves because he can't get in contact with the developer who still owes him money. Steam removes The Stomping Land from the store. Everyone is angry and wants refunds that Steam and Kickstarter won't give. So pretty much this guy ran off with everyone's money.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement GreatMightyPoo

    A Class Above

    Has had their post saved 5/5 times by other members. Congratulations GreatMightyPoo on this achievement!

    +3170 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Agreed. I've personally sworn off all Early Access games until Steam holds them more accountable for failures. DayZ hasn't failed officially yet, but I highly doubt I'll ever see a finished version; Towns development died and they released a half-assed "complete" version of the game; Nether development just died; Also The Stomping Land dev just up and vanished with everyone's money from KickStarter and Early Access.

    Yeah, never trusting Early Access again. Only Early Access games I'll ever own are the ones I bought before I made this decision. So far I have never given in, not even for Besieged. As good as that game looks, I'm not buying until it comes out of Early Access.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up GreatMightyPoo

    Level 11

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment GreatMightyPoo

    Preordering only ever made sense when there were a limited number of copies shipped on release. When it comes to digital copies, they are, for all intents and purposes, infinite in number. No need to ever preorder a digital copy of a game.