Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago+22 22 0Bungie hires the Destiny subreddit founder
The Destiny Community is a thriving population of impassioned people – a stampede of Guardians so mighty they’ll run you over if you stand still. Not that you’ll ever find me complaining. It’s been an honor and a privilege to be your Community Manage ...
Current Event
9 years ago+13 13 0Playing The Flock Will Help Make The Flock Unplayable
The version I played back in 2013 was fun, but I wondered how much longevity it’d have. Turns out, a limited amount – by design. As people play the game, they will contribute to it being taken permanently offline.
9 years ago+16 16 0The Cutting Room Floor - Site dedicated to unearthing and researching unused and cut content from video games
From debug menus, to unused music, graphics, enemies, or levels, many games have content never meant to be seen by anybody but the developers — or even meant for everybody, but cut due to time/budget constraints.
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Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0OpenTomb - an open source engine for classic Tomb Raider
OpenTomb (formerly TRE) is an engine replacement project intended to play levels from all classic TR games (TR 1-5) and custom levels.
Current Event
9 years ago+12 12 0EverQuest II’s progression servers launch on July 21st
Norrathians eager to start life from the beginning again on EverQuest II’s upcoming time-locked servers have only one more week to wait. Producer Holly Longdale revealed at E3 2015 that both the PvE and the PvP versions of these progression servers a ...
Current Event
9 years ago+21 21 0Dark Age of Camelot - 1.118 Live Patch Notes
Current Event
9 years ago+18 18 0EVE Online - Sovereignty Bill Announcement
We would like to remind all sovereignty owning alliances that as part of the new Aegis Sovereignty system, all TCU maintenance bills have been removed and new Infrastructure Hub bills have been added.
Current Event
9 years ago+16 16 0The Aegis Sovereignty Release Has Been Successfully Deployed
Eve Online is the world's largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game.
9 years ago+15 15 0The Daily Grind: Why is quashing MMO cheating so damn hard?
Massively OP Kickstarter donor Daveha is not amused with an MMO industry that seems content to let cheaters get away with their nefarious deeds.
9 years ago+14 14 0EVE Evolved: It’s never too late to start playing EVE
Any time an in-depth discussion pops up about EVE Online, it’s never long before someone pipes up with the complaint that new players just can’t compete with veterans. EVE has been out for over 12 years now, and thanks to its realtime skill training ...
Current Event
9 years ago+12 12 0Witcher 3 Patch Notes: Gravity Will Apply To All Horses
“Various improvements to horse behavior”. That was a patch note Marsh showed me last week. I had hoped it was one of God’s own patch notes and He was finally going to address the problems with those four-legged jerks but apparently it was CD Projekt ...
9 years ago+14 14 0 x 1The RPG Scrollbars: Serpent In The Staglands
My first real act as a god was getting killed. By a wolf. Just outside my own sorta-temple. If any of my followers are listening, write that down in your scrolls and I’ll drop the moon on you.
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0Ability to upvote Snap for specific tribes from the frontpage
I think it would be extremely helpful to be able to upvote a Snap for multiple tribes without having to leave the frontpage. Right now it's a bit tedious to see something, review which tribes its apart of and find it in those tribes in order to update it there.
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0Camelot Unchained | Afternoon Update – July 10th
Happy Friday all! Today’s update will be a relatively short one because we are going to have a major update next week. However, having said that, there are still lots of things to talk about today.
9 years ago+17 17 0 x 1Wot I Think: The Magic Circle
The Magic Circle is a game about an unfinished game. A first person puzzle/exploration/action game about a fictional game also called The Magic Circle...
9 years ago+18 18 0A tale of indie RPG development
Every now and then, someone asks, “What’s taking them so long? Why is the game still in development?” The questions are understandable. You hear that a game has been in development for more than a decade and you think that a decade is a very long tim ...
9 years ago+35 37 2 x 1The 50 Best RPGs On PC
An entirely objective ranking of the 50 best PC RPGs ever released. Covering the entire history of computer role-playing games is a daunting task...
9 years ago+17 17 0Notch speaks out against Free-to-Play monetization, saying it should be illegal
The creator of Minecraft took to Twitter yesterday to address the free-to-play style of monetization and comments from another game develop, George Broussard, who made Duke Nukem 3D among other titles. The whole thing escalated quickly and actually s ...
Current Event
9 years ago+12 12 0Path of Exile: The Awakening launches today
9 years ago+16 16 0Ubisoft Explains Why Digital Games Stay More Expensive Than Physical
Why do digital versions often cost twice as much as physical ones in the months after their launch?