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9 years ago+16 16 0How do you see the gaming landscape changing in the near future?
I feel like gaming is in sort of a strange place right now. We are well into the current generation of consoles. Mobile gaming has seen huge growth in the past. New technologies with big potential like virtual reality are just around the corner from becoming consumer products. Personally though, it feels as though gaming in general is in sort of a standstill right now. Everything seems to be "coming soon", and for now it's a bit of a waiting game.
So, what are people's thoughts as to how gaming will be changing in the near future? Will virtual reality become the next big thing? Will mobile gaming continue to grow or are we looking at the popping of a bubble? Are we going to see the end of gaming-specific handhelds? Does the industry see a resurgence, a collapse, or business as usual?
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Current Event
9 years ago+15 15 0Path of Exile - We're Freeing up Old Character Names
9 years ago+31 31 0 x 1Windows 10 Impressions: Releasing Any Day Now Edition
It's been seven months since I spent any meaningful time with Windows 10 - no, no-one's found any reason beyond 'marketing, durr' for the absence of Windows 9.
9 years ago+20 20 0How Has Microsoft Changed Minecraft?
Stepping into the main hall at Minecon, the huge annual get-together for Minecraft fans all over the world, you wouldn't know that Microsoft existed...
Current Event
9 years ago+14 14 0EVE Online previews upcoming Nullsec and sovereignty changes
This is CCP Fozzie bringing you another dev blog covering our Nullsec and Sovereignty changes coming on July 14th. Today’s dev blog covers the July round of our planned changes to Nullsec PVE and system infrastructure upgrades.
Current Event
9 years ago+13 13 0Star Citizen dismisses ‘feature creep’ concerns, declares Star Marine has NOT been canceled
The year thus far has not been the best possible year for Star Citizen. The game has seen a few people depart from prominent positions, delays to planned release schedules, and an essay by the ever-contentious Derek Smart claiming the game will never ...
9 years ago+16 16 0Massively Opinionated: Which MMO payment model is the best?
In this special podcastish episode, Larry, Justin, MJ, and Bree debate genre definitions, business models, and building the perfect MMO.
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Getting Ready for Windows 10 -
Windows 10 is coming on July 29th and we are as ready as can be!
9 years agoQuestion+30 30 0Can someone explain voting on Snaps?
9 years ago+6 6 0The Decline of Stack Overflow
How trolls have taken over your favorite programming Q&A site
Current Event
9 years ago+9 9 0The Witcher 3 - Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms
As some of you may know, we are finishing up work on our next big patch, Patch 1.07. It’s a very large update introducing some key changes...
9 years ago+2 2 0Alexander Preview from Japan Expo
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+4 4 0Mozilla Games Technology Roadmap
In furthering the advantages and appeal of the Web as a platform for games and game technologies, Mozilla is publishing its games-focused roadmap.
9 years ago+7 7 0The Point - Destiny: The Hardcore Gamer's Slot Machine
Danny has a problem with Destiny. He doesn't think it's a bad game, but its development surfaces some troubling ethical questions about the role of game design in keeping players addicted. Especially when expensive DLC is involved.
Current Event
9 years ago+5 5 0Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition FAQ - Larian Studios
With all of the excitement surrounding the upcoming release of Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition, it’s understandable that a lot of you have questions. But don’t worry, we have plenty of answers! What resolution and frame-rate do you target for ...
9 years ago+4 4 0Zero Escape 3 coming summer 2016