9 years ago
Reality Check: Trip To Pluto Cost Less Than Vikings Stadium
NASA scientists and planet lovers everywhere are cheering the Pluto space probe, which is now sending images of the dwarf planet back to Earth. The cost of the 10-year voyage is raising eyebrows, but not for the reasons you might think.
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For people Outside the US
Simple solution: We continue to fund stadiums, but only on other planets.
Mars should be first.
I found the article weak and was going to post a bunch of questions and try to poke holes but then I watched the related John Oliver video posted and it answered all my questions. I'd highly recommend the video.
Last week tonight has been particularly interesting to me. I'm not sure if it's just Baader-Meinhof, but I seem to see something start cropping up online, then see the topic was covered recently on John Oliver's show.
I want a mission to Eris but it is 70 AU out (while Pluto is only 40)
Er... Skol policy?
I'm a huge Vikings fan and I'm loving the new stadium already. I hope people don't see this as, "We should spend less on football stadiums," instead of, "We should spend more on space exploration." We're a damn rich country. The money is there. It's just sitting on the Cayman Islands, not being taxed.
I agree. Thought a stadium mostly benefits its owners, and to a much lesser degree its visitors. Space exploration benefits everyone, to some degree.
Well, since most of the funding comes from the public, I'd argue that yes, we should spend less on football stadiums is a valid point. If the bill was taken from the owners, I wouldn't mind at all. But we really do need to spend more on space exploration. And education. And healthcare. And public services. And...There's so much stuff that comes before spending public funds into football stadiums.
I have to agree with you. While I have the disclaimer of not being a sports fan, I think we are better off when we direct that money to those things as well. Sports can be fun for the fans, but the money can come form other sources as well so we can help those causes.
I should clarify that I think we have plenty of money to spend the same amount of money on football stadiums as well as spending more than that on space exploration, education, healthcare, etc. The mentality I hope to avoid is, "We shouldn't be spending that much on football stadiums if we can't afford everything else!" Because when we fix our shitty tax system, we sure as hell can afford everything else. Plus, after tax reform with a progressive tax, plenty of revenue would be coming from the NFL anyway, where it'll feed back into itself.
Oh of course if there is any money to spare, I would be all for it. As long as the main and necessary areas are covered, I couldn't be more happy for the excess to go into entertainment of all forms, including stadiums :D