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Published 9 years ago by jmcs with 4 Comments

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  • Cuken

    The culmination of 50 years of planetary exploration by NASA. Take a second to think about how crazy this seemingly ordinary image is. A probe that was launched in 2006 traveled 31.90 AU (AU = Astronomical Unit | 149.6 million Kilometers or 93 million Miles) (2966.7 MILLION MILES AWAY!). It takes light 4 hours to travel that distance. It arrives at its target without any problems, executes its actions according to a plan set it motion 9 years ago, and takes a picture. We are seeing a planet so far away that light (the fastest thing in the known universe) takes 4 hours to reach, captured in a still photo. Then it beamed that information, 0's and 1's all the way back to earth. . . Just insane to me the level of accomplishment this represents.

    • jmcs (edited 9 years ago)

      And don't forget that the process to take, encode and send the picture was done mostly by a miniaturized zen garden. We reorganize small pieces of silica and get them to follow complex instructions. This is Clarke's Third Law at its best.

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