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Published 7 years ago by zyery with 12 Comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Apart from the possible safety issues, I really hope this concept doesn't take off.

    • Gozzin

      I'm sure it will cause $$MONEY$$!

    • junglman

      Pun intended?

  • aj0690

    Maybe they can cram people in like on those Japanese trains.

    • NotWearingPants

      Think bigger. There's lots of room on top, like the trains in Pakistan.

      • leweb

        I remember hanging from the bus door nearly every day while riding back home from school in Caracas. Hopefully in this case they'll give you one of those yellow oxygen masks.

        • NotWearingPants

          To save on manufacturing costs, they'll just run the lines out the windows.

          • leweb

            Maybe next they will sit people on the wings? With optional ear protectors that you can purchase for a fee.

            • NotWearingPants

              And you still have all the space under the wings to hang bosun's chairs. They would be economy-economy class, because the takeoff and landing might be unpleasant.

    • spacepopper

      Sounds like a blast on those 8 hour international flights. Where do I sign up???

  • Outset

    I can't imagine anything worse than being forced to stand during a several hour flight, especially when you'd be experience g-forces and turbulence which would send everyone flying.

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