Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Nascar driver Tony Stewart sued one year after fatal crash
The family of a young driver who was struck and killed by Tony Stewart’s car on an upstate New York sprint racing track last year has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Nascar star. The lawsuit was filed on Friday, as Stewart returned to Watk ...
Current Event
9 years ago+23 23 0 x 1Astronomers discover humongous structure one-ninth the size of the observable universe
The sheer size of our universe is just about unfathomable, so you can imagine the surprise that researchers must have experienced when they recently discovered a structure within our universe that measured 5 billion light years across. That's mo ...
9 years ago+28 28 0Is It Cheaper To Live Off Soylent Or Chipotle?
Soylent, the meal replacement that has caught on among brogrammers in Silicon Valley, has a new bottled version that makes it even easier to drink down breakfast, lunch and dinner without ever having to chew anything. Beyond the ease of consumption, ...
Current Event
9 years ago+12 12 0'2,000 migrants' tried to enter Channel Tunnel overnight
About 2,000 migrants tried to enter the Channel Tunnel in the French port of Calais on Monday night in a bid to reach the UK, a spokesman for the company said.
9 years ago+19 19 0The climb that left me frozen with fear
There are thousands of industrial chimneys in the Czech Republic, with many dating back to the late 19th Century - most are no longer used and a group of enthusiasts spend their weekends climbing the structures. Alastair Lawson joined them in Zelezny ...
9 years ago+16 16 0The great Moldovan bank robbery
It's a mystery that's thrown Europe's poorest nation into deep crisis - $1bn has vanished from three of Moldova's leading banks, much of it passing through UK companies. A confidential report has blamed 28-year-old businessman, Il ...
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0Police: Dallas child dies in hot car while parents nap
Dallas police are investigating the death of a two-year-old child who was allegedly left behind in a family car on Friday. According to Child Abuse Unit investigators, the parents of two-year-old Nariyah Raufu explained they had returned from a day a ...
Current Event
9 years ago+19 20 1Charlie Hebdo editor says the paper is done with prophet Muhammad cartoons
The top editor and publisher of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French newspaper that suffered a deadly terrorist attack in January, said the publication would no longer draw the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad that have garnered it worldwide notoriety ...
9 years ago+16 16 0Sprayable foam that slows bleeding could save lives
Traumatic injuries, whether from serious car accidents, street violence or military combat, can lead to significant blood loss and death. But using a material derived from crustacean shells, scientists have now developed a foam that can be sprayed on ...
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Current Event
9 years ago+9 10 1The State Department’s Dangerous New Proposal to Regulate Gun Enthusiasts’ Internet Speech
Over the last couple of decades, Edmund Burke’s plucky “little platoons” have found a thousand homes in the quiet recesses of the Internet. Day in and day out, online forums buzz and crackle with the untrammeled energy of volunteers, hobbyists, colla ...
Current Event
9 years ago+10 11 1Google is partnering with Levi's to create smart pants that can control your phone
What if you never had to pull out your phone to dismiss an incoming call? That's the type of future Google and Levi's are envisioning. The two companies are partnering to create a pair of "smart" jeans that you can use to perform ...
9 years ago+2 3 1How Employers Get Out of Paying Their Workers
In America, we love to talk about crime. Usually, the rhetoric is focused on the acts we can see: bank heists, stolen bicycles and cars, alleyway robberies. But often, the more egregious crimes are the ones that are “unseen” -- those that happen behi ...
Current Event
9 years ago+5 5 0Bloods and Crips Team Up to Protest Baltimore’s Cops
Things are apparently so bad in Baltimore that even the city’s gang adversaries—along with the Nation of Islam—are joining forces. Editor's Note: Hours after this story published, the Baltimore Police Department issued a warning about a “credibl ...
Current Event
9 years ago+13 13 0China Is Said to Use Powerful New Weapon to Censor Internet
Late last month, China began flooding American websites with a barrage of Internet traffic in an apparent effort to take out services that allow China’s Internet users to view websites otherwise blocked in the country. Initial security reports sugges ...
9 years ago+13 13 0Stop Fearing Artificial Intelligence
As yet another tech pioneer with no connection to artificial intelligence steps out to voice his fears about AI being catastrophic for the human race, I feel the need respond. While I respect Steve Wozniak’s technological contributions to our culture ...
Current Event
10 years ago+2 6 4Alcohol or Marijuana? A Pediatrician Faces the Question
As my children, and my friends’ children, are getting older, a question that comes up again and again from friends is this: Which would I rather my children use — alcohol or marijuana? The immediate answer, of course, is “neither.” But no parent acce ...
Current Event
10 years ago+8 8 0Abandoned dog saves lives of 10 newborn puppies and mother with BARKS
An abandoned dog has saved the lives of ten sick, newborn puppies and their weak mother after incessantly barking to alert passersby and then leading them to the dogs' location in dense woods. The Labrador mix, who has since been named Hero, had ...
10 years ago+4 4 0Baidu May Introduce Autonomous Car This Year, CEO Says
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Current Event
10 years ago+17 17 0Over 25,000 Test Positive for Swine Flu, 1370 Deaths So Far
Swine flu deaths continued unabated as 51 more people died of the virus raising the toll to 1370 while the number of affected crossed the 25,000 mark on Sunday. According to data collated by the Union Health Ministry, the highest number of 322 deaths ...
10 years ago+20 20 0Will 'Parks and Recreation' Be the Last Great NBC Comedy?
The departure of Parks and Recreation Tuesday night marked an even greater loss for TV than one might think. The show had an undeniably good run—seven seasons, with perhaps a slight quality dip in the middle before it rebounded for a grand sendoff. B ...