9 years ago
Is It Cheaper To Live Off Soylent Or Chipotle?
Soylent, the meal replacement that has caught on among brogrammers in Silicon Valley, has a new bottled version that makes it even easier to drink down breakfast, lunch and dinner without ever having to chew anything. Beyond the ease of consumption, Soylent’s marketing push revolves around offering maximum nutritional bang for the buck. At $2.42 per 400 calories, Soylent 2.0 costs about $12 a day to reach the 2,000-calorie goal.
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And Soylent isn't finished going down in price. The bottled one is pricier than the powder, and a stated goal of the company is to drive down the price in the future, to make it more available. So now it's cheaper than Chipotle, soon, it'll be cheaper than pretty much anything that's considered a good alimentation.