  • bogdan

    Wow, I can't help but feel like I'm the main person who is guilty of this. I'll try to edit my titles, I usually just posted them directly after I read them without looking back.

    • drunkenninja

      Hey, we all forget at times! As long as we make the odd correction (even after the fact) here and there to clean up our content it goes a long way. BTW, I had a quick glance at your snap list and found all your snap titles are super clean now, thank you so much for taking the time to make those corrections!

    • ttubravesrock

      Whenever I post snaps (rarely), I edit the title and type in my own description instead of using the default description. If you just make it your MO to always type your own description/Title you won't forget.

    • Moderator

      Goes to show that occasional PSAs like this are effective. Many users simply don't realize.